Many situational differences so no "universal" principle about this. I learned a lot from scrupulous diet tracking (first time ever) over a full year during the pandemic, and recommend that discipline along with programmed workouts for those who haven't done it. Maintaining muscle mass and function is personally more…
There are of course medical conditions that require or are helped by supplements. Aging may be one of them - I've toyed with gratitude for athletes who use/abuse PEDs and supplements as pioneers for geriatric use - if doable exercise and anabolic steroids will keep me off assistive walkers or wheelies or oxygen in my 90s…
No question the rollers are a good candidate for DIY. BTW there are some interesting web sources on just twisting or scrunching up a heavy towel as rehab therapy, and a rolled towel makes a good "fat grip" handle for cable or resistance bands. Also if not using those DBs for pronated and hammer biceps curls, OP could…
Not a priority but I played around with this Youtuber's five minute set a few years ago - it's a test (got a lot of views, too). You might also consider the fairly cheap Wrist Rollers bars, some of which can attach DBs as the weight.
I tried a number and pretty much settled on Hevy for Android, as being the easiest interface to work with when tracking a definite program - not all the time. Still using it free without need for more than four routines or too many custom exercises. It has a pretty good library (with demos) though limited for resistance…
The vague question points to inexperience. Posted in the "gaining" section (so not fighting fat loss dieting) for setting calorie and protein targets, and the hashtag "bodybuilding" points to a specific long term lifting modalities and skillsets, though "newbie gains" will build strength and functional mobility along with…
As a natural "mesomorph" with good muscle mass, BMI based on scale weight has always ridiculously shown borderline "obese". Just came across this relatively new and researched "Body Roundness Indicator" or BRI that seems much more sensible. The write up here is helpful, more so the downloadable PDF study (that shows how…
First suggestion would be professional / medical advice as to safe exercises for your current condition. That said, also know that while a cardio session will "burn" far more calories than the same time spent building strength and muscle mass, over time the body will efficiently adapt very differently. Cardio eventually…
Agree with the above on bands. By coincidence came across a new post by James Grage (Undersun Bands) with a short workout using what look like 25lb DBs: (I much prefer to do squats by doubling a band underfoot (lifting "suitcase" style, like a deadlift but quad-engaging) rather…
I still get leg challenge from suitcase squats with a big 3" loop (Amstaff brand from a Canadian supplier) using J-hook grips, which also manage multiple bands better than hands alone. That said, I'd suggest the best leg work for bands is single legged - split squats, lunges or RDLs - no need for the monster bands or…
As to "without equipment" I took a good bodyweight recovery break after spending some intensive months with dumbbells and bands at home during the pandemic - recommend the Youtube channel "Minus the Gym" with guidance from beginner to advanced: Added a suspension trainer a couple of…
OP doesn't mention how it's being taken. IF (big "if") there is no dairy intolerance, a) whey is the most complete and efficient powdered protein, and b) it's worth experimenting with a mix with whole milk, yogurt, or morning oats or other grain cereal (stirred in or can even be cooked) and not water or zero-fat skim milk.…
The (Ontario, Canada) pandemic lockdowns, as such, didn't change anything I wear but did radically change the allocation of time wearing them: within my preferred fabric limits of cotton, wool, and nylon outerwear the closets hold a range of going out clothes. Normally home wear is sweats / shorts and sandals, with a set…
Agree with the above question - it's not like bench press where anybody asks "What do you thrust?". There's a lot to be achieved with unilaterals, both in strength with peripheral stabilization and glute / ham hypertrophy. A modality switch might provide much-needed recovery.
Ideally agree with others about a professional fitting, but maybe hard within a "tight budget". Every manufacturer builds each model or several on a proprietary "last" that generally remains reliable once it's found to fit a given foot, why some brands will never do at any price and often an affordable model can fit and…
May suit you: if you can use a spreadsheet, on the Android app the Nutrition button page has a little "memory card" icon top right, at that page you can choose Export dates at top bar, and it emails the Export data files in common "csv" format. Loads nicely in Excel, Google Docs, etc. - fairly comprehensive but you have to…
I use the MFP app to add saved/calculated workouts on days I do them and it automatically recalibrates the daily calorie and macro targets. There's a fair amount of individual human variation, but as a general principle over time (e.g. some months) endurance cardio adapts the body to lean out both body fat and muscle mass…
Marijuana does that to me, but a very light user (Canadian - legal) thereof.
I think the first thing is to try to find out what's causing problems then look into the right thing for that. A few years ago left knee went from pain running sometimes to walking around all the time before I dealt with it - common patellar tendonitis. The kneecap riding its little bone railroad track gets pulled off by…
On a second thought, depending on medical restriction, you might find the "non-movements" of isometrics less difficult and possibly more beneficial than repetitive stress - most of my shoulder joint recovery last winter was in this mode. It's having a bit of fitness industry resurgence and I found a lot online but this old…
Professor Attila's little known classic may be just a fun read, but the sheer variety is suprising. After making my shoulders sore last fall I played around with some of these looking for "First, do no harm" recovery:
Voted for this but specifically would want to see the three macros shown with calories. As is, it's not useful to me.
I had "tennis elbow" (first be sure it isn't "golfer's elbow" - other side of the joint) going into 2021 and it got severe by June but was gone by year end. I actually kept up a fair amount of full body exercise working around the sore place. Web searches brought up no end of overlapping advice, including the pretty good…
Not a raving nut for collagen - suspect it works for some and not others - but had a surprising positive result last year from an experimental 400 gram jar that I got (on sale) as a protein booster (10 grams / day) looking for hair and skin effects. A couple of weeks after the jar ran out and seeing nothing - deciding not…
I'm a bit older yet - from a knee five years ago I wouldn't have tried any squats, but some conditions are worse than others - in my case common patellar tendonitis (pain started while running, degenerated to nearly all the time) was very treatable with hip and ankle mobility and strength exercises - the kneecap rides a…
I've used a good quality stability ball for years instead of a bench for DB and to challenge bodyweight ab and glute moves - you might look up techniques for doing whatever you do that way, regardless whether to get a bench. I came across this guy only recently, added a few new wrinkles for me:…
I'm far from a dietitician but sounds like your Nan has professional guidance that might help you and convince her, too. Dairy and other food intolerance is tough. I suspect too many people associate calorie increase with carbohydrates, where the easiest and healthiest thing (depending again on tolerance) might be healthy…
I don't plan to ever do them unassisted, but have been progressing with a hand on a supportive gym bar or chair back at home - started with a knee tuck but am getting the foot out, and using the weaker left leg to set the rep count. On my good list.
For "worst" I'd differentiate most challenging (for me), usually being weaknesses needing work, from just bad, of little or no use or where risk exceeds reward. Lunges and other unilaterals needing balance are tough for me but worthy challenges. "Good mornings" are in my risk bucket (deadlifts are enough), and I've…
A lot depends on how you plan to use them, as an adjunct to a different fitness program (cardio or resistance) or as the main form (best to find or purchase a program). I've had access to a good condo gym and home DBs and gear for years, but got a full set of 41" Power Guidance loop bands a year ago for variety with the…