Catfish_Fan Member


  • I have two going at the moment, A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas (fantasy) and The Hooligans (WWII historical fiction) by P.T. Deutermann. I am about halfway through each.
  • Super cool! I thought I read a lot but rather than a speed reader I am a tortoise 🐢 using audiobooks. I keep my audiobook lengths in a spreadsheet so I can calculate how much I have been reading over time. During my Anne of Green Gables binge I was reading 6 hours 20 minutes a day. That is a lot more than average. Last…
  • My review of the Anne of Green Gables series: I read this series from book 1 - 8 straight through by "immersion read" using the audiobook accompanied by the e-book companion. I really loved it, book 8 was as good as book 1 and overall it was worth the 75 hours I put into reading this magnificent series. Starting Starter…
  • Rilla of Ingleside (book 8, the last book). And my library hold on Starter Villain by John Scalzi came in at the library tonight, so that one is next!
  • I just wrapped up Anne of Ingleside (book 6) and I'm going to start Rainbow Valley (book 7) later tonight. The end of the series is in sight, I am 75% complete with my anthology on the kindle, page 1,808 of 2,408!
  • Hmm, I have found some more general releases at Amazon (special editions of The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb). For some special editions I look at The Signed Page, which has author signed SFF genre books, and some special editions. For example, a signed hardcover deluxe edition of Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson (now sold…
  • Onward and upward! Finished Anne of Windy Poplars (book 4) and now starting Anne's House of Dreams (book 5).
  • Oh, I wish! I live in a pretty rural area and about 40 minutes from any proper city (a bit closer to some suburbs). Some of the closer towns might have something like that but nothing around me. The local hardware store in the village had one of these but the store closed due to lack of business (I think). I have been…
  • I have seven bookshelves, but I culled enough books that one could be empty and removed if I wanted. Books are somewhat sorted by genre, so none are completely empty at this point. I used to have overflow media shelving holding books too at one time. Those are gone. I am attempting to remove books, such as Grisham and…
  • I am finishing Anne of the Island (book #3) by L.M. Montgomery tonight. I really like this series, glad I have it on my kindle and finally discovered it.
  • I didn't know that there was another Dresden book coming, that is great news! I thought that the series was completed. Sandman Slim is completed. I have heard of the Mercy Thompson series too, I will have to check it out, thanks! I have never read anything by Patricia Briggs, but I bet the library has them in e-book format…
  • I have a friend who puts quite a bit more time into his television viewing than I do into reading, but I convinced him to add audiobooks to his 45 minute commute and he's doing great with it. Myself, I used to go fishing (for catfish!), and listen to Detroit Tigers baseball games with my late Grandmother in the spring and…
  • I read all of Sandman Slim and it was ok, but some parts were a bit corny. I want to read Seanan McGuire's October Daye series next for my urban fantasy choice. There are so many great authors, Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series looks good for sword and sorcery, and I have enjoyed many books by Juliet Marillier for…
  • I read The Cabin by Natasha Preston last night and part of today, and was less impressed than I hoped. I'm now reading Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery and I'm surprised that I am really enjoying it. That little girl talks so much! I picked up a kindle edition of the Anne of Green Gables collection for free…
  • I can second this opinion, one of the best series I have read. Urban fantasy at it's best.
  • Most people read exactly 0 books in a year, so any reading goal is great!
  • With the year end upon us, I have the opportunity to look at my stats for the year (I keep track of my reading in a spreadsheet as well as on Goodreads, since it is all on audio I can calculate the time I read per month or per year). I am finishing book 144 tonight, so 12 books per month exactly. As for times, well in 2021…
  • A Quiet, Little Town (A Red Ryan Western) by William W. Johnstone and JA Johnstone
  • I have read that series through Book 3 and loved it as well. I plan to continue it in 2024 with Iron Gold.
  • Hi Mike! Welcome! I love SFF too, my go-to genres (although I love many other genres as well). I read The Blade Itself by Abercrombie this past January, but it was the wrong timing for me so I stopped the series right there. I will revisit that series because I have heard such great things about it and the author, the book…
  • Complete! Thanks for the congrats, @FitMary202 ! How did you do on your challenge? A. The Blade Itself, Joe Abercrombie B. The Long War, Stephen Baxter and Terry Pratchett C. Stranger Things: Rebel Robin, A.R. Capetta D. Stranger Things: Lucas on the Line, Suyi Davies E. Winter Tide, Ruthanna Emrys F. Never, Ken Follett G.…
  • A. The Blade Itself, Joe Abercrombie B. The Long War, Stephen Baxter and Terry Pratchett C. Stranger Things: Rebel Robin, A.R. Capetta D. Stranger Things: Lucas on the Line, Suyi Davies E. Winter Tide, Ruthanna Emrys F. Never, Ken Follett G. Playing for Pizza, John Grisham H. City of Lies, Sam Hawke I. Rust in the Root,…
  • Read The Fever Code (The Maze Runner #5) and I just finished Crank Palace (Maze Runner novella) by James Dashner. Now I get to pick a different book because I have completely finished the Maze Runner series. I'm not diving straight into The Maze Cutter spin-off series that is more recent, time for something different.
  • Um... Kindle Books count, so on the big daily deal sales Dec 21-24 I bought myself "several" that were on my list. But "several" might be an understatement... Don't tell me Tsundoku does not apply to a kindle e-book collection! :) All of these were marked down to $1.99-$3.99 each so I did not break my bank account. A Crown…
  • I recently finished The Memory Librarian and Other Stories of Dirty Computer by Janelle Monae. I liked it, it was sci-fi/dystopia where a Dirty Computer was a gender/sexual orientation non-conformist and the ruling powers "scrubbed" the minds of those they caught who were "dirty" to force conformity. Now I am reading The…
  • I completed the Kindle Year End Challenge today!!! My reading streak on my kindle is now at 417 days in a row. Very soon I will have some year end stats to share.
  • I have been reading The Maze Runner series by James Dashner
  • Catching up, my opinions on several novels I have read since I last posted. The Battle of Hackham Heath--John Flanagan, YA fantasy, pass on this one. Doctor Sleep--Stephen King, Horror, this one was good. Wilder Girls--Rory Power, YA Dystopia, pass on this one. The Lonesome Gun (Perely Gates #7)--William W. and J.A.…
  • I finished my read of the Skyward series by Brandon Sanderson, it was a 5 star space opera. I'm now reading In Death book 17, Imitation in Death by JD Robb.
  • Skyward book 4, Defiant, by Brandon Sanderson comes out in Hardcover tomorrow! I had it preordered a while ago. Currently I am rereading book 1, Skyward, and will continue with book 2, the novellas, and book 3 before diving into book 4. I loved this series well enough to do a reread, since there aren't many books.