Are you looking for motivation and encouragement on your weight-loss journey? The Biggest Loser Challenge (BLC) is here for you! My team is Hot Mocha Maniacs and we'd love to have you join us for weekly challenges, idea sharing, friendly competition, and accountability. The next 12 week round begins on May 1st. Feel free…
@radosuaf Well done!!! You can stay sober. Sobriety is worth every effort you can put forth and you are worthy of an awesome life. Choose wisely today and let the future take care of itself.
@Born2Run1958 Only you can decide if drinking tomorrow is right for you. Will your drinking stay on track and "casual" as you called it, or will it eventually spiral out of control? If it was me, I know what would happen. It might take a while, but I'd be right back where I was, hating how I felt, overwhelming anxiety,…
I've made huge changes to my life to support my sobriety and have thus far lost almost 30 pounds. I'm still working on sleep issues but that will come with time. My skin is clear, I'm not sick, I'm not ashamed, I'm not spending hundreds of dollars on alcohol every month. If I can do it, you all can do it. One freaking day…
BLC is the best! Support, teamwork, challenges - all designed to help you reach your goals! Join us!!!
Like many people, I find indoor cardio extremely boring but I've found that having one TV show that I only watch while on the treadmill to be very helpful. Try to choose a show with several seasons - I'm currently watching ER on Hulu and find I look forward to my daily catch-up.
BLC offers motivation, friendship, encouragement, and challenge!!!
Join us! BLC is fun, supportive, and encouraging - a great way to find motivation and a little competition to reach your goals!
BLC is a great way to find support, encouragement, and friendship for your healthy journey!
Hi Stacy. I'm Trish, 70 years old, sober 3 days this time. My longest stretch of not drinking is 18 days, mostly because I didn't think I had a "real problem", just "self medicating" my anxiety and boredom. I didn't think drinking was affecting my life negatively - until I got really scary sick and realized I was poisoning…
I've lost almost 35 pounds since mid July of 2020. I have 74 pounds to lose for my dream weight, 54 to a weight that I can live with.
I've been a BLC member for many years - awesome support and community!