Dear Heidi <3
How many 5% Challenges have you done? Since 2013 What do you like to do for fun? Knit, Duolingo-French, gardening What major city do you live in or near? State? Grecia, Alajuela, Costa Rica What are your health/fitness goals for this season? As always, to lose any weight for health purposes How would your pet or friend…
Please, count me in!
I'm not planning on participating. But just in case, my team is PS4L.
What is your name or nickname? Your Team? Pat. Positively Strong 4 Life (PS4L) Your Approximate Location: Grecia, Alajuela, Costa Rica What is your favorite summer activity? My normal activities are for all year round (we do not have the four seasons) What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? Knitting,…
Good morning 🌞 Any idea of the starting date? Thank you very much 🌷
How many 5% Challenges have you done? Since 2013. What do you like to do for fun? Read, walk, knit, crochet, watch TV, do my own soaps. What major city do you live in or near? State? Grecia, Alajuela, Costa Rica What are your health/fitness goals for this season? Create a habit: to eat well. Lose weight. Anything else you…
Count me in! <3
Very dear Ceri, is with much love in my heart that I say to you how deeply sorry I feel for the sudden loss of your beloved brother. May his life be a comfort for you and your family. I'm also concerned about your health news but in high hopes that whatever it turns out to be, there will be an appropriate treatment.
Were you a member of SparkPeople? How many years? What was your Spark name? Yes. For about 13+ years. PATRICIA-CR How many 5% Challenges have you done? Since 2013, I don't really know. What do you like to do for fun? Internet, exercise, watch TV, knit, read, Duolingo. What major city do you live in or near? State? Grecia,…
You OL's are Where would we (Sparkers) be without you? <3
Another round with Fit Force, please.