deejoan Member


  • I like raw vegies too, but when you roast them, they seem to take on a whole new taste. Even though you are cooking for one, give it a try!
  • I get it. I also freeze a lot of food items so I don't have to go to the grocery store more than once a week. It's too tempting to buy junk food if you are in the store.
  • I try to plan my day of food every morning. It seems to help, because if I figure out we are going to have for dinner, then I can adjust the other two meals for their calories. It takes some time but in a weird way it is kind of fun to find new low calorie recipes to work for that days meals. Good Luck and happy tracking!…
  • I agree, I love roasted vegies, there are so many different ones that roast up deliciously!
  • I have tried many ways of losing weight over the years but what seems to work best now is tracking everything I eat, keeping my calories to 1100 to 1200 per day and keeping the starchy carbs to a very minimum. It is very slow going though at my age.
  • My grand daughter's first birthday party was yesterday. Normally I try to keep my calories between 1100 and 1200, yesterday I ate 2000 calories. I gained 2.5 pounds. This is ridiculous! I am back today to 1200 calories and hoping I lose those 2.5 pounds quickly. It is all so frustrating, but I am plugging on!
  • I am 68, retired and live in the United States in the Midwest. I have been overweight pretty much my entire life, and currently really focusing on weight loss. It has been a slow go, but over the last 20 years I have lost, and finally kept off, over 100 pounds. I still have about 85 to go, but at least I am no longer…
  • Thank you for the information. Dee Joan
  • Terri, thank you for the information. DeeJoan
  • How do you bookmark a particular section? I use the app on my laptop and cannot find any link on the page to bookmark with. Thank you!
  • Hi, I was wondering if someone could tell me how to bookmark a group. I am unable to find any way to do this. I use your app on my laptop. Thank you!
  • I just started eating yogurt mixed with chia seeds and either blueberries or a peach. It seems to keep me pretty full and only amounts to approximately 150 calories. It is really delicious and you don't taste the chia seeds. You get the crunch from them unless you let it sit for about 30 minutes to soften. I just started…
  • I love to roast in the oven: Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus. You can spray with a bit of olive oil and sprinkle with seasonings and/or parmesan cheese. They are all delicious. Now that the fall is coming all the squashes (butternut, acorn, etc.) are delicious! Just be adventurous and try a…