dirtbound Member


  • Eek… yeah, I’ll play it safe and slow it down. At least this first month has taken some of the pressure off of my new found running legs for the longer timeline ahead.
  • I saw some bigger drops early on, but the 3.5 rate has been consistent over the past three weeks. I’m pretty confident I saw my water weight reduction early on as I dropped waste size and belly bloat within the first week as I improved my nutrition and brought my water consumption up to speed. You’re all giving me the…
  • Not surprising advise… I appreciate you being direct. Up until this past week I was writing it off as my body adjusting to the new process, but a solid month of stats are staring me in the face. Funny part is that after looking at your 1.75lb/week idea, I did the math on the ol’ 3,500=1lb and in the end it broke down to…
  • 6’2” Full-time desk job, minimal physical demands at the office. On a personal note I like to hike a lot, but that got thrown off the rails throughout most of 2020.