dawnfire72 Member


  • Thanks, I think right now life has just thrown so many curves at me that I don't really feel like participating anymore in society. I went back to school, then my spouse was diagnosed with a chronic progressive illness that makes working almost impossible with the physical limits the illness has progressed to and right now…
  • Me, myself and I is what irks me. Feeling rather low and like my choice to go back to school to update my office skills was completely wrong and like I just can't do anything correctly. I see no future for myself and feel like a string of dead-end jobs is all I am destined for. Being 50 and clueless sucks.
  • That my cat won't take the hint that I am changing my schedule and he will no longer need to be fed at 3:45 AM (been working on it for a month now, finally up to 4:15 before he sticks his nose in my ear going "Food o'clock B****").
  • The unpredictability of chronic illness and feeling totally helpless/useless because the condition afflicts someone you love and you can't "fix" it.
  • The in-laws right now :#
  • Information overload researching things we will need to change soon with my SO's newly diagnosed chronic illness.
  • Just finished MOX by John Moxley (a.k.a. Dean Ambrose from WWE). I am also reading the Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, currently on Book 4 The Serpent Mage.
  • Decided to dress up partially to watch RHPS at home on the couch with hubby (Columbia is my go to for this cosplay).
  • Now I can release some of the pent-up anxiety I have been feeling. Things have been investigated and the abuse charges were found to be completely false, we are now working with the family courts to have visitation set up. My daughter will now have shared custody of her child and the father's family has been put on notice…
  • Thank you for these words. They make sense and I am going with the flow for now.
  • Feeling bad because my dad is in the hospital and much as I love him going to the hospital induces panic attacks. I did go see him yesterday when my sister called to say he was being rushed to the hospital with another heart attack (he has SVT attacks), but by the time I left the ER after making sure he was okay I was a…
  • Relatives who contact you trying to be your friend even though you have nothing in common and haven't spoken to them in a long time just because they heard someone you are close to is not doing well.
  • My stupid program for work that keeps locking up :s
  • People who panic shop. I get it we have major flooding in the surrounding areas and supplies might be delayed but panicking and buying up all the toilet paper and milk isn't going to help. I am hoping the stores place limits on how many packs of high-demand items you are allowed. Glad I have a pantry and freezer full of…
  • Totally agree. Growing up Christmas music wasn't started until the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I also believe that out of respect for the Veterans of this world could we at least wait until AFTER November 11th before we start with the jingle of the overly commercial holiday (yes I am a bit Grinch-y).
  • You have said beautifully things that have been in my head but never put value on, and some that were there in a vague way that I never knew how to express. Somehow I have the mindset of it must be me because everyone else seems to be okay. Maybe they are just better at keeping the front up. I agree, I thought that with…
  • Yea so I can relate. So today I had a major plumbing issue that had to be addressed. Called dude agreed to be over in one hour. Jumped in the shower and found a lump, down on my junk. Yep freaked out a bit. Called my doc and said come on down. So relating to the above story and my current situation in life I kinda said…
  • I feel for everyone here. I know that feeling of hopelessness/helplessness. I sometimes wonder if some of us are just born to never truly be happy. I was looking at pictures from my childhood and noticed that my sister is smiling and radiant in them, I found maybe 4 or 5 pictures spanning about a decade where I actually…
  • That my work is very inconsistent today. Have to wait a while between files to edit and return.
  • Might braid my hair in pigtails and find my Wednesday Addams dress that a friend made me many years ago. Nothing too exciting. Apartment living means no trick or treaters :'(
  • Thank you. Right now things are being worked on and I am hoping that perhaps the involvement of a social worker will help. I can only sit on the sidelines and offer support when asked. It is still ripping my heart in pieces thinking about it. Guessing the holidays may not be very merry here but we are trying to just get…
  • Feeling pretty hopeless right now. Someone I am close to has been accused of abuse and I have no clue how to handle it. The person in question has never displayed abusive behaviour in the past so I am very uncertain what to do. The other problem is that said person has also gone into a depressive episode and is isolating…
  • Really starting to wonder why I was put on this earth.
  • Having to admit that I am human irks me. I'd rather be a cat or even a fancy rat than a human right now.
  • Zoom meetings.
  • Being female and the mess that goes with :s (contemplating filling the prescription for the meds to control bleeding).
  • Yarn, trying to get my Christmas crafting finished before December...LOL (like it will really happen).
  • Waking up to a leak under the kitchen sink :s
  • Waiting on work to arrive in my queue. Sometimes working from home is overrated.