FierceandFree Member


  • All of the above suggestions are great--and when you decide on one that fits you--your life will be enriched. What I would add is a little different, though. Have you stopped to acknowledge and celebrate the massive achievement of your discipline? You were in treatment. You have fought back twice to remain in school. You…
  • I am a bit older than you and have had the same body/diet experience for most of my life. About ten years ago I did two things. I resolved not to diet and to begin eating in a way that helped me be happy--no guilt, no vast amounts of brain space, with kindness and compassion to me, myself and I! Turns out that meant I…
  • I used to always wake up about 2:20am. Depending upon how crazy my mind was, I would often not be able to go back to sleep. When I stopped drinking alcohol, my early morning wake-up sessions ended as well. Have frequently heard about this phenomenon among other AF folks. It's something about how one's body processes the…