Nipchkin Member


  • @kaliswalker I play wordle and also quordle (similar to wordle, but you are solving 4 words at the same time and have 9 guesses total).
  • Would love to be on Fit Force!
  • I would love to be on the Fit Force team.
  • We picked at least a couple bushels of green tomatoes before we had to get out of the rented garden plots. Many of them have now ripened and I am cooking them into sauce or tomato juice. First possible frost (32F) is forecast for November 2nd and 3rd. Previously it had said a low of 30F overnight, but it's now changed.…
  • Emptying the compost bin to get it ready for all the pumpkins. Pulled out 60 gallons of compost. After sifting the first 4 buckets, only about 1/4 is completely finished. But other than the corn cobs, corn husks, crushed egg shells, and avocado pits, nothing else is actually recognizable except for the stuff I threw in…
  • 40 x 60. We rent plots from the park district. Each is 20 x 30 and we rent 4. We used to rent 8 plots for many years (our highest number of plots was 12 - gluttons for punishment), but have pared it down the last couple of years. It's possible we might go back up to 6 plots, so we can grow a greater variety of veggies…
  • @cherie8525 I hear you about reigning in the tomatoes. One year I planted 70 plants! Mostly because I had lots of different varieties of colorful heirlooms, but there were still lots of red ones as I liked to can too. I haven't canned for a few years now, as I watch my grandson and it wasn't safe to be doing that while he…
  • Congratulations!!
  • Today's harvest: 40 pumpkins, 12 zucchini, 17 acorn squash, 17 spaghetti squash, and a bunch of tomatoes. Corn is now done, except for finding some dried out ears on the stalks that we give to the squirrels in the backyard. Beans are about done - bunnies have been nibbling at the tops of the plants. Tomatoes are slowing…
  • My grandson is 5 1/2. He used to be afraid of every kind of bug, including moths. No longer afraid of moths, but seems to still be afraid of most other bugs. But it seems that when he's at the garden helping, he forgets about the bugs.
  • We are still getting lots of zucchini, string beans, corn, and tomatoes - the main crops we planted. Started harvesting some spaghetti squash. Acorn squash are coming along nicely but not quite ready to pick. Just picked the first 2 pumpkins that were about half orange. Grandson was thrilled to do that. Hubby has to go…
  • We really need rain. Of course, it's like that every August. We did get a bit last week, which helped. Now the grass is green instead of grayish. Still need to water everything today. May get rain tomorrow, but that could change too and no more rain expected for another week after that. Garden is going well. Gramdson…
  • They are both heirloom tomatoes. I don't save seeds, usually order them from Totally Tomatoes ( They have so many varieties, especially heirlooms, from all over the world and which grow in all sorts of growing zones. Black from Tula is a Russian heirloom.
  • Our garden at the plots we rent from the park district is doing well. Hubby has been doing most of the work for the past couple of years, as I've been watching my grandson during the day and have to spend evenings and weekends getting my own chores done! We do need rain. Got an inch of rain a week or 2 ago, which helped,…
  • I'm glad I don't have to deal with jumping worms!! The regular bugs in my garden are creepy enough sometimes.