Jabba2Hans Member


  • I take lots of breaks, mostly from dieting but also from exercise. Still managed to lose over 80 lbs. Breaks made the journey longer, but way more enjoyable for me. As far as dieting breaks go, I felt a little guilty until I reframed them as 'maintenance try outs'.
  • Wish I had seen this thread before buying keto strips. Been low carbing for a month and went keto a week ago. Currently dealing with a bad virus and had 120g worth of carby comfort foods yesterday. Tested this morning and it showed the 2nd to darkest purple, while all the other days showed only pink. Makes no sense to me.…
  • You can try a different measurement. FWIW, my scale says I'm at 35% and I have a similar body composition to you. I trust the 35% because of all the body fat percentage videos I've watched and seeing what it looks like on people.
  • I take multi gummy a couple of times a week, but really as a treat. 😋 I've been taking a vitamin d supplement most days since early on in the pandemic, but am questioning it now that my aunt's bloodwork showed she has levels of vit d that are too high. Guess there's such a thing as vit d toxicity which causes stuff like…