catnurse1 Member


  • QOTD For Saturday 2/12/22 How old you do feel? Have you ever taken a "age test"? You do not have to do that, if you feel much younger, say so, if you feel older ,, that's okay too! Your true age is 50. That makes you an "Old Fart." HA! My numerical age is 55 and 6 months (exactly) as of tomorrow. So I am younger. But “Old…
  • Today's QOTD: Do you have 1 to 3 reasons, AKA WHY's you want to reach your goal? If not, would this help you? If yes, are they were you can see them often? They are on my profile page, I think, plus I remind myself every day why I should or shouldn't do something. I want to be able to take care of my disabled son as long…
  • Here's what I said on the news feed. Was hoping to catch up on e-mails and such, but it will have to wait one more day. My dog Sophie who does not do well with fireworks or earthquakes is being a nervous Nellie about the wind blowing the rain into the window. That's right, people. Right now at 11:15pm Alaska Standard Time,…
  • Yikes! I think I woke up in a different state. Today it was 40 degrees in my atrium yard, and right now it's 36 degrees and RAINING! No, no, no. It can't rain on top of all that snow out there. By this time next week "they" say the high temp will be 4 degrees. Nutty. So now I get to head out into the rain to check on the…
  • Merry Christmas, everyone! As it happens in most years, we are stretching the "fun" and will be opening presents most of next week. Since my son has a seizure disorder and too much excitement can set him off, we scale the day's activities down and make everything last for days. We will do one present at each meal (three a…
  • Hi, everybody! Trying to get into the swing of things. Will be sporadic until DD goes back to school and we're back into a routine. But for now, I'm heading out to Ellie's Place (what we call our cat enclosure) and in for a relaxing night. I finally finished wrapping all the gimme-s, have tomorrow for any last minute…
  • Ceri, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I hope the memories are plenty, and you remember the smiles most of all. Prayers to you and yours.