DAILY QOTD (Question Of The Day)

Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
WELCOME BACK to the QUESTION of the Day (QOTD). We are just over half way through the 2022 Winter 5% Challenge and realize that for some it can be harder to stay focused on having healthy habits. IF you have any suggestions, comments, please let us know. You may comment on each others posts if you choose to do so, but it is not a requirement.

Today's QOTD: Do you have 1 to 3 reasons, AKA WHY's you want to reach your goal? If not, would this help you? If yes, are they were you can see them often?


  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,158 Member
    Today's QOTD: Do you have 1 to 3 reasons, AKA WHY's you want to reach your goal? If not, would this help you? If yes, are they were you can see them often?

    Yes....they are on my profile page and several other places that I see frequently.

    Why I want to get in shape:
    To look in the mirror and see what my mind has always believed

    My Inspirations:
    To continue caring for my husband as long as possible
    To enjoy my grandchildren for many years to come
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    Today's QOTD: Do you have 1 to 3 reasons, AKA WHY's you want to reach your goal? If not, would this help you? If yes, are they were you can see them often?

    1) I'm in heart failure, the better I treat myself the longer I life as healthy as I can
    2) My GGS awww he's so cute and I always want him to have my influence as his Mom does
    3) I do a volunteer service, that I want to give my 10000% attention to as I've done for 45 plus years. The better I feel, the more I can do. Plus of course on MFP also.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,942 Member
    Today's QOTD: Do you have 1 to 3 reasons, AKA WHY's you want to reach your goal? If not, would this help you? If yes, are they were you can see them often?

    1. I want to continue my good reports from my dr.
    2. Good example to my hubby and kids
    3. Want to look good in the mirror
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Do you track your food? Do you enjoy it, or dread it? Or is routine?

    I usually do track my food, unless I am eating the same basic foods, and know the calorie count. Still I NEED to because of the sodium.
  • Sparkuvu
    Sparkuvu Posts: 2,693 Member
    I have my why's on my profile page and think of them whenever I need a kick in the rear to get going!
    I track every day, mostly don't mind it, I lapse horribly if I don't. But, it's not perfectly accurate, I take what other people put in for home cooking mostly, and scan if I use something purchased--if I held myself to perfection on it, or made it hard, I'd quit, I know me.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Do you track your food? Do you enjoy it, or dread it? Or is routine?

    I track everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I sort of enjoy it, but I've done it for so long it has become a routine. I can be sort of anal about it. Secret truth...the real reason behind the purse I let my husband buy for me is that it is big enough to hold my small scale so that I can take it to restaurants and other places with me to get a more accurate measurement of my portions. How anal is that? 😂
  • catnurse1
    catnurse1 Posts: 3,367 Member
    Today's QOTD: Do you have 1 to 3 reasons, AKA WHY's you want to reach your goal? If not, would this help you? If yes, are they were you can see them often?

    They are on my profile page, I think, plus I remind myself every day why I should or shouldn't do something. I want to be able to take care of my disabled son as long as physically possible. I want to be healthy for not just myself but for my family. I want to like myself again.
  • tyenovkian
    tyenovkian Posts: 783 Member
    Thanks @Dianedoessmiles1 for the link on the feed.
    I have my goals written and I think about them often, but they aren't posted where I see them often.
    1. Be healthy, so I can enjoy life.
    2. Look good in my smaller clothes.
    3. Be able to stay active with my boys.

    Yes, I track. When I don't, I start gaining.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,158 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Do you track your food? Do you enjoy it, or dread it? Or is routine?

    I have tracked 99.9% of my food every single day since Sept 8, 2019, the day I got serious.
    I Enjoy it, Dread it and it is Routine... I know 100% of the time I have stopped tracking in the past I put any and all weight I had lost right back on, lightning speed, and added a few extra pounds just for fun. So tracking is now my way of life!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    Thursday QOTD (2/3)

    Please look back from when you first started along your healthy journey. Do you see the differences physically? Do you acknowledge the HARD work you've put into this? Can you pat yourself on the back for a JOB WELL DONE!!???

    I started at 288 lbs, and am at 180 lbs now. I could not walk worth a while, but now? If the CHF (heart) wasn't holding me back, I'd EASILY be able to go and go.

    Do I pat myself on the back? SHOOT YES!!!! I've done this well.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,158 Member
    Thanks @Dianedoessmiles1 as do you... and I LOVE your red hair... bring it back!!!
  • Sparkuvu
    Sparkuvu Posts: 2,693 Member
    Yes, yes, & yes. Amount of lbs is not a lot, but it's a lot better than none! I cannot even compare how healthy I feel as compared to my start, so yeah, I'm happy with myself!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    Sparkuvu wrote: »
    Yes, yes, & yes. Amount of lbs is not a lot, but it's a lot better than none! I cannot even compare how healthy I feel as compared to my start, so yeah, I'm happy with myself!

    LOVE IT because that's the GOAL!! WTG!!!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    QOTD for Saturday 2/5/22

    Today was weigh in day, when the scale doesn't move as you wish it to, do you decide "Oh I'll just eat WHATEVER I WANT!!" or do you stay on the path of "Its just 1 weigh in"?

    I go with the "it's just a weigh in."
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,942 Member
    edited February 2022
    Thursday question
    Please look back from when you first started along your healthy journey. Do you see the differences physically? Do you acknowledge the HARD work you've put into this? Can you pat yourself on the back for a JOB WELL DONE!!???
    Well I was in the 190s got down to low 160s. Now I have been stuck in low 170s for so many months. I do know I am stronger and I exercise regularly (strength training and cardio)
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,942 Member
    Today was weigh in day, when the scale doesn't move as you wish it to, do you decide "Oh I'll just eat WHATEVER I WANT!!" or do you stay on the path of "Its just 1 weigh in"

    I just keep trying-trying to eat healthier-not a ton of support
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,561 Member
    @Bookienj,, we've got your support here. Its hard when at home though others LOVE to junk out. Been there!! I did put the kids junk food into a cupboard and told myself "STOCK IT NOT EAT IT!" And made SURE I had things I enjoyed. Keep looking forward,,, and lean upon us. You are far from alone on this. Others may have ideas. If you put that into the chat, I am SURE you'll get responses.

    QOTD for Monday 2/7

    You've been busy all day, on the way home (or while at home) You think "What will I eat for supper? I am exhausted."

    What's the first thought that comes into your mind? Is it "What can I grab that's easy and fast here in the house?" Or more along the line of "Who can I call to deliver (or go out) to get?" Tomorrow we'll follow though more on this

    This has been something I hadn't even realized I now do. I used to pick up the phone,, call for delivery or I'd quickly go out and come back. Now? Since I cook quite a bit (I DO NOT enjoy cooking, but I SURE DO THE TASTE of stuff I make!) I keep a few meals of a variety in the freezer. It takes me less time to heat up something from there. I hadn't even realized this,, well of course I knew that, but I hadn't realized how RARE it is I get fast food. I LOVE McDonalds Egg McMuffins, but now that I am low sodium, I've been making my own. They are ALWAYS HOT and YUMMY. A lot healthier and FASTER!! So much faster!! I only live once in the car 2 mins from McD's. But there's the getting dressed if I am not,,, getting into the car, driving (again only 2 mins) but ours is ALWAYS busy so that's going to be 8 to 10 mins, maybe longer, driving home. To get back inside (and leaving too) add in 2 more mins. To make one at home 4 mins. LOL I've timed it.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,158 Member
    QOTD for Monday 2/7

    You've been busy all day, on the way home (or while at home) You think "What will I eat for supper? I am exhausted."

    What's the first thought that comes into your mind? Is it "What can I grab that's easy and fast here in the house?" Or more along the line of "Who can I call to deliver (or go out) to get?" Tomorrow we'll follow though more on this

    Used to be PIZZA or a Large Chicken Salad Sub from WAWA... now, 99% of the time I already have my dinner pre-planned and tracked, taking in consideration of what I need to get done for the day. If I'm shopping at Sam's I usually pick up Rotisserie Chicken and just have to make a veggie and potato to go with it or Sushi. If at Sprouts I'll get a Tuna Poke Bowl if they have any. Usually have a back up plan in case either are out.