DAILY QOTD (Question Of The Day)



  • catnurse1
    catnurse1 Posts: 3,360 Member
    QOTD For Saturday 2/12/22

    How old you do feel? Have you ever taken a "age test"? You do not have to do that, if you feel much younger, say so, if you feel older ,, that's okay too!

    Your true age is 50. That makes you an "Old Fart."

    HA! My numerical age is 55 and 6 months (exactly) as of tomorrow. So I am younger. But “Old Fart?” I’d hate to see what my hubby’s age would be (he’s 71 in real life).

    Actually, I don’t feel any different than I did when I was seventeen. I have always been called an old soul, so I guess I’ve always been fifty…..

    QOTD For Sunday

    Are you watching?
    Do you have a favorite team between the Rams and the Bengals? (SORRY for all of us who's team did not make it in,,,, mine ,, Pats)

    Yes, I’m watching and I’m rooting for the Bengals. I used to live in San Diego as a teen, and the Chargers were still in S.D. So the Rams were rivals and not very liked in my house. Of course, originally being from Connecticut, we grew up with the Bruins, Celtics, Patriots, and Red Sox. So my childhood teams always rule, but now I have to pretend that I care about the Bay Area teams (San Jose Sharks, San Francisco 49ers, Golden State Warriors, San Francisco Giants). Above all for Hubby are the Las Vegas Raiders as he grew up with them being the Oakland Raiders, and once a Raider, always a Raider. And the Oakland A’s are up there if the S.F. Giants are tanking.

    GO Bengals!!!!!
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,933 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -it says I am 36! Wahoo I will take it since I am actually 42. I feel like I am 30s/40s. I know I can’t be too young since I have a 17 yo. My friends are either my age or 5-10 years older (some of my friends had kids later in life than me but our kids are same age)
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,933 Member
    Are you watching?
    Do you have a favorite team between the Rams and the Bengalsls? (SORRY for all of us who's team did not make it in,,,, mine ,, Pats)

    Not watching unless we try a commercial or two. Hubby isn’t in a super bowl thing where you win money (last year he won twice in one game because of his scoring went). We might watch the puppy bowl!
  • aalley5
    aalley5 Posts: 2,074 Member
    Are you watching?
    Do you have a favorite team between the Rams and the Bengals?

    Yes, I’m watching and I’m rooting for the Bengals.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,556 Member
    QOTD for 2/14/22 I do not celebrate holidays, but realize many do. Monday is one. Many celebrate with food, chocolates and flowers (hearing those are hard to come by!).

    Will be given, or for those who love sales,,,,, will you have more chocolate or other sweets around the house? If so, can you control the amount eaten? If you are being taken out or taking someone out to eat, how will you do?

    As mentioned I do not celebrate holidays, sales? OH SHOOT I LOVE a good sale. It took me EONS OF YEARS to realize "Just because it's on sale, does NOT mean you A) Need it B) if buying some that you need buy EXTRA to "save" money (it never saves me on calories!). I used to tell myself "Oh I CAN CONTROL It" LIAR!! LOL I was such a LIAR to myself. So now? Nah, I'll skip any sales. I DO keep chocolate in the house, but have learned so much more about eating just a tiny tiny bit and I am fine. Its been a long 11 years!!
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,151 Member
    QOTD for 2/14/22

    Will be given, or for those who love sales,,,,, will you have more chocolate or other sweets around the house? If so, can you control the amount eaten? If you are being taken out or taking someone out to eat, how will you do?

    We've never been big on celebrating Valentines Day, just a card and a small token gift. Generally we have a nicer dinner but after today being Superbowl we'll probably just have a glass of wine and I bought chocolate covered strawberries. I've learned to stay clear of the candy sales after holidays and have gotten much better about how much candy I keep in the house even though I can control how much I eat 95% of the time. I still have a Cadbury Egg from Easter 2020 and Peppermint Chocolates from Christmas 2020, don't need anymore.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,933 Member
    Will be given, or for those who love sales,,,,, will you have more chocolate or other sweets around the house? If so, can you control the amount eaten? If you are being taken out or taking someone out to eat, how will you do

    We will have a bit more chocolate around the house. I will probably consume some but not go crazy. I will track it. We won’t go out to eat because my younger one will be at dance all night
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,556 Member
    QOTD For Weds 2/16/22

    Are you satisfied with where you are in life overall? Is there anything you'd like to change?

    I LOVE TO DREAM BIG!! I just do. Am I satisfied overall? Yes. Definitely yes. BUT are there things I wish I could change? My health, but since that can't be changed, It never stoops me from dreaming. Because the mind is endless. I am not working now, its amazing how many things I've found to do. New things I am learning, and different roles we can take on. These things make me so grateful to be able to do all that I can.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,151 Member
    QOTD For Weds 2/16/22

    Are you satisfied with where you are in life overall? Is there anything you'd like to change?

    Overall... YES. If I could change/improve one thing it would be to better organize my time. Time management has never been my strong suit and I always somehow manage to get what needs to be done, done but things would be smoother. I guess I'm okay with it though because whatever you don't change, you choose! I do my best work under pressure.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,556 Member
    Catwmncat wrote: »
    QOTD For Weds 2/16/22

    Are you satisfied with where you are in life overall? Is there anything you'd like to change?

    Overall... YES. If I could change/improve one thing it would be to better organize my time. Time management has never been my strong suit and I always somehow manage to get what needs to be done, done but things would be smoother. I guess I'm okay with it though because whatever you don't change, you choose! I do my best work under pressure.

    I LIKE that Cat!! AND you always get stuff done, though when we don't "on time" it's still okay.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,556 Member
    QOTD for Weds 2/16

    If nothing at all stood in your way, not health, money, situation etc. etc. what type of job would you like to do?

    It's actually an international building work. It pulls at my heart each time I hear about it, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a part of a very well organized, caring organization that is putting others ahead of themselves. People from all different nationalities working together, without any hate etc.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,933 Member
    QOTD For Weds 2/15/22

    Are you satisfied with where you are in life overall? Is there anything you'd like to change?

    I am satisfied with life. Wish I could get my weight down and life totally back to normal
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,933 Member
    QOTD for Weds 2/16

    If nothing at all stood in your way, not health, money, situation etc. etc. what type of job would you like to do?

    I would love to work with autistic children doing ABA
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,151 Member
    QOTD for Weds 2/16

    If nothing at all stood in your way, not health, money, situation etc. etc. what type of job would you like to do?

    Retail... I did it for most of my life and LOVED it. Did other jobs where I made more money but truly enjoyed working in retail and ended up never having to worry about the money. It is true that if you do what you love, you never work a day in your life!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,556 Member
    @Catwmncat ,, I LOVE retail. So many hate it, but it's fun to make others happy.
    @Bookienj,,, LOVE your answers to both!! Working with children who face things other children don't so they can cope better,, that's GREAT!! My GGS is coming in on the Spectrum,,, He's not fully diagnosed , since he's not in any social settings of his peers. Awww I love him so much. At my house, he can just be who he is, not on any schedule for that little bit. But he does have to behave. So far that's not an issue.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,556 Member
    QOTD for Thurs 2/17/22

    How often do you weigh? Would you say why (NOT required)

    I'm weigh daily. For me, I LOVE NUMBERS so that has a small part in it. I've done this for years, but now that I have health issues, I need to weigh in. If the scale goes up 2 lbs in 24 hours, or 5 in a week, I have to call cardiologist. But I DO LOVE Numbers. I actually weigh several times a day for that reason. LOL It's a GUESSING GAME!! "When I step ,,,, will it up 8 ozs? For what I ate, it SHOULD be,,, etc. LOL It's a game for me. There's no stress, no expectations. I do have a weekly goal, and a monthly goal, but not the daily one.
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,441 Member
    Used to do daily...kinda twice a week now for each group I belong to..but might go back to daily..realizing that it can change from up / down day to day.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,556 Member
    A BIGGIE QOTD for many of us:

    Do you often feel stressed?

    On and off, yes, generally overall, only about health
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,151 Member
    QOTD for Thurs 2/17/22

    How often do you weigh? Would you say why (NOT required)

    Once weekly... Every Caturday!
    I found that when I weigh-in more often I tend to be more lax with my diet and exercise if the scale is down and get stressed if the scale is up and I think it should be down... so, now I just weigh weekly and take the weight with a grain of salt. I know how I'm doing by how my clothes fit and how I feel.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,151 Member
    A BIGGIE QOTD for many of us:

    Do you often feel stressed?
    24/7, but only because there are not enough hours in the day (or maybe because I don't manage my time well)