Hello there I hope you are healthy and well. I have ADHD as well, and believe it or not, my therapist think it had something to do with me weight gain. Anyway, I am looking for accountability buddy so we could keep each other in check. I have 170 lbs to lose. I workout three times a week, and eating less. If anyone wants…
I do have a few complicated books, so I will try them. I have never heard of Melatonin. I will look it up. Thank you!
I haven't. I didn't know what to search exactly. My key words were pretty generic (How to fix insomnia?/why I can't sleep at night?/what can help me sleep? things like that), and the answers I got was pretty generic as well. I will use these key words, and see if anything could help. Thank you!
I also have over 200 lbs to lose can we be friends?