Im just finishing up a traineeship and once I've secured my certificate I am planning on finding a new place of work. I only have 2 months left in the course and I can escape! I'll definitely start recording the conversations.
Always keen on new friends
Thank you so much for this advice. I've decided to try just logging my eating and making that a habit first and then once it's a habit, I'm going to focus on having a balanced breakfast each morning. I was so focused on just jumping into a diet and seeing others do it that I definitely overwhelmed myself which is what I…
Its more brought on by what I buy myself for lunch, its my boss mainly. He comes in when I'm eating lunch and make comments about how I should be eating healthier and maybe going to the gym more. It's basically like he's pretending to care about my health, he does it to my supervisor as well. Its pretty gross. I try to…
Hi I'd love to be friends and have an accountability buddy. I too have been a yo-yo but as of recently I have had this huge rush of motivation.