mizuumii Member


  • hi there ! im on a journey to lose aobut 230 lbs, its a long one. so ill be here for a while! i am brand new to MFP and started about three weeks ago here! always looking for more friends ^^ i have an IG where i post updates to keep my self accountable! feel free to add me. Lets do this together !
  • hihi, 3 weeks into my journey brand new to MFP! but been quite active, and have an IG to keep myself accountable! id lvoe to meet and make more friends as i go. ^^
  • always here for new friends! i am three week sinto my weight loss journey and new to MFP too ! ^_^ welcome ot add me, ive been quite active to keep myself accountable! \
  • Thank you!!! Thats a great suggestion and I'im going to do that right after this and check out all those sections. I definitely think its going to be hard and i'm scared honestly, seeing all the loose skin, I do want to rush since I have a deadline (1 year) but I understand it should be taken at a slower pace and healthy…
  • Hi All, I'm a new user here and looking to lose about 150 lbs , lets motivate each other on this journey ! I have an instagram as well if anyone wants to exchange! Helps me stay accountable and document my journey !