Gym0021 Member


  • Like, do you Uber Pax around?
  • I contemplate food every day every hour every minute. When will the cravings stop B) I just found a bakery that sells Cake Doughnuts. 800 cals +++ I guess when you come back to civilization this is what happens....They say control is everything. Sometimes it's just so evil and so good to just let go and enjoy it for what…
  • Jim. Well done! I have managed to drop 45 Pounds, but, I'm just stuck at the same weight 178><180 no matter what I do I cannot seem to shift it. My TDEE adjustment put me well below the BMR. What combination of foods did you eat and what was your Caloric intake each Day?? Thanks again and well done.
  • Hi, Keto can be a reasonable suggestion as would intermittent fasting. The answer and question are both as complex as diabetes itself. What are your HgA1c levels and how does this correspond to you daily values? What is your Body fat Mass Percentage? Lean Muscle Mass? Waist Size? Are you (M) or (F) all theses are important…