Viktorija38mfp Member


  • Thank you for your understanding. Yes, same here, to say something like this you need to be very drunk. I decided to keep my coworker at arms length. Obviously I will say good morning and talk about work. Apart from that, will keep my distance. Even if she was drunk, she has shown her true colours.
  • I didn't think of it like that, you might be right. Either way, nevermind. I shouldn't let things like that get to me. And like you say, she might have been drunker than me and didn't think what she was saying.
  • Recently I went to a party with my coworkers. I got a little tipsy and told one of my colleagues that my both parents passed away. To which she replied: I don't care twice. And this deeply deeply hurt me. It was not intentional talking about my parents, I was a little drunk but somehow I was not expecting such a reply. The…