1/2 cup of grape nuts mixed with 1/2 cup non fat greek yogurt, a dash of almond milk, a tsp of flax seed and a handful of raspberries High in Iron, fiber, and protein and good micronutrients!
Accomplished the 8 angle yoga pose!! Frustrated that I've gotten down to a size 6 but still am 17 pounds overweight according to BMI chart. Accompshing this pose helped me get over my frustration and reminded me that it's all part of the journey! I'll get there!! 💪🧘🏼♀️😊
New yoga pose - one armed flamingo - on first try - now just need to get other toe off the ground as well!! I feel it is near in my future!!
I won plank contest in my yoga class! 💪Two minute plank hold and a second longer than the person who came in 2nd place!