plg999 Member


  • Right, which is why I'm asking about the research, not my own health. I thought someone in here might be familiar with whether this has been investigated, but I guess not.
  • Thanks for these critiques of BMI. I am aware of these issues, but I was wondering about the research on this specific question. :)
  • Is being your healthiest for your family a motivation? Healthier means that you can enjoy those family gatherings more and for more years. Also, you're probably not the only one at the gatherings who is wanting to lose weight, so make sure there are healthy options there!
  • Well, that's a plot twist I didn't see coming!
  • I know all the usual stuff about getting protein as a vegetarian (and I'm mostly vegan), but it is really hard if you're also trying to limit carbs and fat. Nonfat Greek yogurt is a go-to for me, but I also find the trick is to make every little thing count - use whole grain everything, avoid low protein grains like white…
  • They're all so disappointing, aren't they? None of the ones you can buy in a store are very good and most have 5 or fewer grams of protein. Trader Joe's has (or had) a high-protein one, but it was un-delicious. We try to buy the Dr. Praeger's ones, but they can be pricy and hard to find. Honestly, we should really just…
  • I'm 5'6" and currently 132 lbs. I did tell the goal setter thing that I'm trying to lose a few more pounds, so maybe I have some wiggle room to up it a bit, even before exercise bonuses. However, I am quite sedentary most of the day, as I work remotely from my computer and rarely leave the house during COVID/winter. I'm…
  • Tell that to the MFP recommendations! :D I guess these goals would be easy on a omni diet.
  • Spoiler alert: This quiz is terrible for vegetarians. :D There are, like, five vegetarian things in the whole quiz, and none of the foods I normally eat are here.
  • Thanks, I learned a lot from this. I had never heard of either bulk and cut or the term "recomposition," although that's clearly what I want to do. I'm pretty confident posture isn't contributing to my problems, as I'm spending the same amount of time sitting at a computer, but less time walking and moving around in…