
  • Hello again. I am still trying to get used to how things work. MOMWILLWIN66 PW 239.6 CW 239.2 Steps today 6538 and headed to go ride my exercise bike, last night was an hour so hopefully tonight will be too. My job entails a lot of sitting but doing what I can to get up and move around more each day. Here a little bit…
  • Happy Monday. So this mornings weigh in was a little disappointing 239.2 but I am trying to stay positive and realistic so I don't give up. My goal this month is 5 more lbs by my birthday which is 3/31.I wasn't ab;e to exercise a few days this week due to my ankle. I am logging everything I eat my steps, the number of…
  • Sorry i missed my Monday weigh in, for some reason I thought I was to start on Monday 3/7. My weight was 239.6 Monday morning. I have been trying to exercise each day on my exercise bike for an hour, the last 3 days I took off due to a pain in the back of my ankle but I plan on getting back on tonight after dinner.
  • MFP USER NAME- momwillwin66 YOUR CHOSEN WEIGH-IN DAY - Mondays YOUR CURRENT WEIGHT - 240.4 YOUR ORIGINAL STARTING WEIGHT (highest weight ever) - 305 PREFERRED TEAM (if you have one)
  • Hi everyone, I am also starting over, it seems like I have been starting over every year. But this year I am more determined than ever for myself and for my grand daughter. I have been over weight for years but I was always active until 2016 when my hips started getting bad (from previous radiation), it got to the point…