tara84664 Member


  • I’d suggest taking them in between training days. Your body needs that time to heal. Rotate muscle groups so that you’re not working out the same ones two days in a row. I am a big fan of legit strength training three days a week with two days of core (doesn’t have to be heavy) and one day entirely resting. That muscle…
  • I agree that it’s not too much. It’s good to get out and move! How are you feeling? Do you have energy? Are you getting worn out? Make sure you are getting adequate rest at night. And I would suggest a rest day in there. Where you do only a few steps. Or take the day off. Let your body recover from all the movement. I…
  • From reading your post, I am gathering that you 1) like food and want to eat more if it and 2) want to lose weight for self esteem issues. Welcome to the average human experience. Ha ha. Fer reals though, I hear you!!! I have been overweight my whole life and always made fun of from a young age. I did the diet roller…