Fitnesswitness2022 Member


  • My face does look and feel puffier today. I thought I was just tired. Water retention makes a lot of sense. I’m supposed to be on a very bland diet the next few days due to internal bleeding. But I don’t know what to eat other than the BRAT diet. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Guess I’ll be eating a lot of carbs lol. Hope you’re doing better after…
  • I definitely have internal inflammation. You’re right, I need to focus on getting better before I continue my weight loss journey. I’ve been feeling very fatigued. I won’t focus so much on a calorie deficit during my healing process. I love this community, there is so much insight to be gained! Thanks for the well wishes!
  • Ugh, thank you for letting me know! I had no idea 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m new to eating healthy. I’ve incorporated a lot of fruit and veggies and thought getting protein from tuna was okay. I’ll try incorporating different fish in my diet. Thank you for the info!
  • I’m doing much better, thank you! I had saline drip only for 3 days, NPO. The next day I ate oatmeal, milk, fruits, and veggies. I think stress could have been a factor?
  • Okay, water weight would make sense. I didn’t know your body held on to water when stressed. Very insightful, thank you for your answers! I think I eat pretty well, I eat tuna a lot? Lol. So far it’s worked for me in my weight loss journey, but any other tips would be appreciated!