cstuartdc Member


  • Thanks for all the comments. Although not a 100% i notice when I exercise I’m less hungry with the added food i get from exercise. I wonder if there is a sex difference as I’d say my wife it wouldn’t make a difference. The ol wanting to eat manly portions thing.
  • Thank you. I'm straight and white too (well, 23 and me says I'm a mutt like all of us) My comment (the opening and conclusion) was kind of harsh, but really. . .what's the use of her mother pointing out the obvious? Why natter at her daughter about her weight? Some of you are selling me it's because she loves her? No. . .I…
  • My parents have told me I've needed to do something about my weight. No dung, sherlock. IT's also amusing when a doctor tells you. It's like. . .yeah, we get it. We know. Wow, what a great clinician you are. But dare ask a mom or a doctor HOW and you are left with the Deer in the Headlights look along with drool. IF it…
  • Lifelong swimmer here. . .Antedotal stories and theses aside about urine and sweat and chlorine, you may need to tinker around with chlorine removing soaps/shampoos. I use Tri-Swim and it helps. . .it also helps to simply not swim EVERY day (esp. in the winter) - I have backed off to 3x/week since I swim from 48 to 72 laps…