fritzbustillos Member


  • Got a pretty varied list but I generally follow: Athlean-X - Some useful information on prehab and 7-10 min ab circuits which resembles Muay Thai/Kickboxing/Boxing routines. Juggernaut Training Systems - Powerlifting Barbell Brigade - OG Powerlifting. Omar Isuf - Another OG on lifting advices, also got a show on HISTORY.…
  • It's certainly possible, if you build your shoulders and back aside from your glutes and legs you will get an illusion of a smaller waist.
  • Seeing stars while attempting PR whether its singles, doubles or triples in the big 3 (squat, deadlifts, bench), other than the occasional DOMS and post CNS fatigue. But generally looking at the mirror or taking a video to assess weak points do at times help when I don't have a partner pointing out my mistakes. Also doing…
  • Generally you should be taking around 2-3 days per week for rest and active recovery especially for beginners. Still there are other factors to consider when it comes to determining your adequate rest such as age, fitness levels, workout intensity, and injuries.
  • Performed full body circuit on a suspension trainer and a bit of challenge for the core. Topping of with an "easy" 6.86 km jog. Workout would look something like this: 7 minute ab circuit 12x3 TRX Single Leg Squat 20x3 TRX Inverted Row 20x3 TRX Reverse Fly 20x3 TRX Y Pull 20x3 TRX Curls 20x3 TRX Push-Ups 20x3 TRX Tricep…
  • Probably one of the reasons of its bad rap is that a trap bar deadlift allows a lifter to lift heavier loads in relation to the regular deadlift, there's less stress on your lower back so its definitely the safer choice. Trap bar is also extremely effective at building strength and explosive power so you'll see a lot of…