I live on my own often but sometimes I live with my mother. I don’t think she would be of any help. I don’t really have any other family that could help with this either. So it’s all a bit confusing to me. Currently I live in the states.
I don’t live in Maryland. I think my vpn does that. I actually live in Texas currently but I am not staying here long as I move around quite a bit. I just came to the states after living in Germany for a bit. Also i am not in college yet bc I don’t know what I want to do with my life. I just work whatever job available to…
I don’t have a doctor. Haven’t been inside a doctors office in 6+ years. I don’t even know how I would make an appointment or how much all of that would cost.
I don’t have an issue with being tall. I actually like my height. I just have an issue with my wide build, specifically hips and legs. I am nearly underweight and even so I have the hip size of a slightly overweight woman.