Cluelessmama1979 Member


  • After reading your post and all your follow up replies, my first thought was the scale. When the batteries on my scale get low it just shoots out similar numbers it's used before. So my daughter's weight won't change, mine won't change. I'll weigh myself then eat and weigh myself again, and the number stays the same. You…
  • Quick update: Like I said last night, I went shopping again yesterday. It *is* better already. About an hour ago (11am) I was able to get out of bed and move to the living room. Normally the day after shopping is a stay in bed day. The small movements are working... maybe? I'm definitely doing a lot of them. I haven't been…
  • Had shopping today .. 3 hours 27 minutes door to door; 20 minute trip each way so..... 2 hours 47 minutes walking around Walmart. Didn't realize people were still wanting updates! I'll try to make sure and post individual replies tomorrow if I can move around enough to type, but I am literally shaking at the moment so...…
  • Really want to reply to everyone... lots happening! But I have no spoons left. Had to go shopping today, and it takes a LOT out of me. Highlights: Weight still going down. :smile: Did NOT "reward" myself with fast food. I haven't gone shopping without using fast food as a reward in years. :smile: DID reward myself with a…
  • It sounds like, either way, you should talk to a doctor. Except when I'm focused on eating right/trying to lose weight, I *never* ate fruit or veg, other than the tomatoes and lettuce on a taco or cheeseburger. Awful, I know... But... I also started feeling sick to my stomach when I started eating better. In my case it was…
  • Well I see you added me! Now we can message, but I wanted to reply here for others who don't know too! If you click on someone's username here, and view their profile, then view their myfitnesspal profile and *then* you can add them, lol. I've also always been very all or nothing. When I lost the most weight, around 5…
  • 🤣 I love the way you broke this down. That was awesome.
  • @88AViva that tea looks amazing! I've always wanted to branch out with more teas but I'm scared it will become an expensive habit I cannot afford, lol. @SuzySunshine99 deal, but I'm going to judge her very loudly and vocally lol
  • Hi! I actually recently needed to look into the hormone thing. The major difference in bmr and tdee between males/females is based on very hormone-specific stuff (which we can discuss later if you want to message me for details!) which essentially means tgat if your hornones are at normal levels for a male, you're going to…
  • You sound like me... I was freaking out. Didn't even start tracking right away... not till Monday after Easter. I started tracking what I was eating. It was Easter candy mostly. I went wayyyy over what my daily calories should be. That's okay. I started tracking. It's a small step, but all I can do right now is small…
  • I'm also a fan of earl gray. But anyway... Now that we have some tea lovers, and even a self-designated tea snob... My daughter would like to put 2 tea bags in the coffee pot in place of a kcup, and make it like coffee. I'm appalled and disgusted. I've nixed the idea, and she says I'm being ridiculous. Am I overreacting?
  • *evil grin* You sure? 😇
  • Let's try this another way. Human bodies go through chemical and hormonal challenges several times throughout their lifespans. The ones people recognize most because of the groovy names they've been given, are puberty and menopause. But it also happens around our mid twenties (less so) and when we're 3-5 years old (more…
  • Hiiiiii new bestie I'm the brokest of broke people. Coming here to steal some ideas while I share some. So my first ideas are casseroles/baked psya dishes and skillet meals. People get scared they will be hard to cook, or too boring, or too high calorie or too expensive. They're legit the cheapest, easiest things in the…
  • It can literally just be that whole "tastes changing" thing. Our tastes are constantly changing, but we (as a species) actually go through several specific stages in life where things can change *drastically* without any apparent cause. Once around 4-5 years old, once during puberty, again in our early-mid 20s, again…
  • So current stats... Age: 42 Height: 5'1" (I'm going with the higher number just in case) SW 273 (04/04/2022), HW 274.4 (04/18/2022) CW 263.4 (04/27/2022) GW ?? 260 by May 1?? UGW 175? Not a whole lot to update... I am moving way more than I thought I could. I can't do much at one time. I make a few small circles with my…
  • Just wanted to second all of this. :)
  • I can't eat fish at all, due to horror stories from childhood. I have texture issues due to autism. Can't eat mushrooms. Also can't eat ham salad or egg salad. I grew up on canned fruit and veg on the rare occasions when I was able to eat them at all. So real, fresh fruit, and properly cooked veggies, they taste *wrong* to…
  • Ahhh that makes more sense, lol Glad you have it sorted out now!
  • @CupcakeCrusoe I'm sorry you've been under the weather! Glad you know about the BRAT diet... there's actually been some research more recently to show that it's most beneficial to follow BRATTS when you're sick... bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, tea, and soup! And that the old adage about chicken soup (not the canned…
  • Almost any dry food, in a food processor, turns to powder. Also, though it's easier if you have a dehydrator, you can dry almost any fruit without one. We used to have a big grape vine in our yard when I was a kid, and a neighbor showed us how to make sun-dried raisins. When I started trying to lose weight the first time,…
  • Glad you can use them! I have a love hate relationship with breakfast and did a looooot of experimenting lol. Smoothies, ice cream, binder/filling for homemade pastries, as a sweetener in hot cereals (like oatmeal or grits) or in drinks (if you do it right, frozen mashed banana in a food processor turns powdery, and the…
  • I... think... I was trying to reference the "whole host of reasons" with "the body prefers"... which is why I was confused by your initial reply. I wasn't referring to the sugars themselves but rather the micronutrients in the fiber/starches, if that makes sense. I was attempting to leave words which tend to confuse a lot…
  • Ahhhh I see what the problem is. I didn't realize that people demonizing carbs was such a big problem here. My intention was to show how the energy in foods (regardless of source) is taken into the body, used as energy, and stored as fat. On the forums I used to frequent, the biggest issue was people not understanding this…
  • I absolutely love frozen bananas as an ingredient in general. Super versatile!
  • @kallen771991 yay!!!! I'm glad you talked to your doctor and understand your exercise and intake calories better now! I was pretty concerned. I don't think anyone was upset with you!! I'm very familiar with how pcos works, but there are certain biological processes which use a set number or calories (energy) regardless of…
  • That's literally what I was talking about. As I said in the beginning of my reply, it's all highly oversimplified. I didn't go into detail. But I genuinely don't see where you're seeing a problem. If you break it down a bit, maybe I will understand, so we can discuss it. "No, no, and no" isn't very helpful in this…
  • Egg cups/egg muffins! You can make them in advance, wrap/freeze them, then it's like 45 seconds in the microwave. Scramble a dozen eggs in a bowl, throw in a handful of veg, other breakfast meats if you want, season, stir it up, pour into muffin tin, sprinkle cheese on top if you like it, and bake! Overnight oats are good…
  • When I used this app before, I always had my diary set to private. I didn't have any of the "why am i still not losing?" problems, and I understand how plateaus work, so I didn't think it was necessary. I also didn't use these forums, but I was part of other groups, and I didn't want people nitpicking what I ate. Because,…
  • @mmdeveau sounds like we had a pretty similar journey, comparatively, lol Re: your things learned: (replying individually so that i will have to think about each thing) - "high weight/water" - Yeah, I breath caffeine, and smoke too much and have hyperthyroidism? Hypothyroidism? The less dangerous, more weight-friendly one,…