mikomarcia Member


  • New Update: It's been a while since I've shared my progress so I thought I'd pop in. I'm now 187lbs. (The one 180's!!! From a SW for 224!) I am still eating healthy most of the time with a couple splurges here and there. But the most exciting thing is my blood work. I got my results and although my triglycerides are still…
  • Thank you for the great ideas everyone!
  • Just in case anyone wants an update. I've been on Ozempic for a month. And I've lost about 6lbs and 2 inches off my waist. I am on the lowest dose and tomorrow I start 7mg. I feel suprisingly good and more mentally sharp than I have in probably two years. What I really like is the weight is coming off my belly and neck.…
  • So yesterday I spent the day with the specialist and her team. Ultimately tests determine I am insulin resistant. They were very pleased with my diet and activity levels. So they put me on Ozempic. It's not cheap but my insurance will cover it with prior auth. Luckily, I am NOT a chronic overeater. I never have been. I am…
  • Thank you all. I certainly will not take Phentermine. Someone tried to give that to me a long time ago. It scares me too much. I really DON'T want to take anything, but I'm also ignorant on some of the newer options. It always seems like they're trying to get me to take something, and if there was a good, safe, option I'd…
  • Holy cow! Over a thousand a month?! I'll pass. Can't even consider that. It also makes me wonder what happens when you stop taking it. It'll be interesting to see what they say next week.
  • Thank you! Very informative. Yes, it is scary but I think it'll be manageable. The only thing that ever really worked on me was low carb, so right now I'm doing a clean keto. It's having some effect because I'm losing about 2lbs a week. I have to sleep with a heart monitor now and I was told if I had a headache I need to…