christaballgran Member


  • Unreal dark chocolate minis. One to satisfy a sweet craving. Protein bars can be like a desert while at the same time giving you protein. But always stay within your calories
  • One more thing, lots of protein is key. Try to do at least 100 grams per day.
  • 1400 may be too much if you are not exercising. I started it with 1350 per day but had to have 3500 left over at the end of the week. But at the same time I exercise and do strength training. The scale is not the most important but rather are you toning up? How are your clothes fitting? As I toned up and lost fat I was…
  • I always gained the weight back on WW because they don’t stress change of lifestyle. And with intermittent fasting, you gain it all back if you don’t stick with it. MFP is the only place I have lost weight in a healthy way and kept it off.