Caliri24 Member


  • Friend request sent! I hope your journey is off to a good start!
  • Interesting! Yeah no judgement or anything I was just curious because I don't often hear that. If you want to donate any unwanted muscle, feel free to give it to me 😂
  • I have a similar goal at the moment! I'm currently doing a cut, I'm just over 2 months in and I'm almost to my primary goal of 200. Ideally by the end of the cut I want to be 185 or less, but we'll see! I'm curious though, why are you trying to lose muscle? Is that not a good thing to have?
  • Hi! I'm Andrew, I'm living in Los Angeles. My main goal is to work on body composition (building muscle and losing fat) and focus on nutrition. I got thrown off track from my fitness goals thanks to COVID and getting into a new relationship (no one talks about how much weight you can gain going on dates!). Now that things…