Round: 197 SW: 259 LBS Goal: 253 LBS Day/Weight/Comment 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 9/2 9/3
I almost feel like your talking about me here, mainly because i believe i might be having some spine issues. But besides that, the nightly binges. I am horrible about wanting to eat like 2-3,000 calories worth of Ice Cream and Sweets late at night. For the most part my diet wasent overall to bad, if i didnt eat that much…
Honestly weighing kinda excessively right now. When i wake up, which is before work After work when i get home. And before bed. Just enjoying seeing how my weight fluctuates throughout the day/week. I do not let the small changes up or down effect me too much.
Sent you a friend request! I got 70lbs more to go myself
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I understand the headphone falling out of the ear issue. But when I bought my Apple AirPods they fit in my ears fantastic, never fall out on there own.
Matthewq713 Sunday 275