Breezie2022 Member


  • Welcome!! I’m always looking for new accountability buddies too. Sent you a request 🙃
  • Welcome and best wishes to you on your journey!!
  • Best advice I can give you: baby steps!!! Choose one small change to make that you think you can easily handle (example: quit soda, drink water) and once that becomes second nature, add another! Try to avoid getting too stuck on the “diet” mindset and focus on long term healthy habits. You’re here so you’ve already taken a…
  • Congratulations on your progress so far! That is FANTASTIC!! Keep it up, you got this!
  • Ohmygosh you guys! Helpppp! I’m useless with technology and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to accept friend requests! There doesn’t seem to be a button/option for it anywhere. Am I just blind? Someone please walk me through this.