DrWesner Member


  • OK. I want to clarify a couple of things. First, I do have a smart scale (a high end one) so the numbers should be good. What bothers me is that I have never seen five lbs of weight gain in a week. And considering that most of it is coming from fat, that is throwing me off. It is not water guys...it's fat. Also, yes I log…
  • YES! Good for you! I started at 240, and my goal is to get to 180, so it gives me absolute joy to see someone drop 60 lbs! You are a rock star! Keep it up!
  • Thanks for the info guys! I have a long way to go! I hit 208 this morning, so I have about 28 lbs to go to get to 180. I am going to make it! I am a total addict at this point. I am not looking back.
  • After 20 years on anti-depressants, I no longer need them. Going to the gym for the pump three days a week seems to do the trick. I quit Paxil cold turkey, and I feel better than I ever did when I was on it. That was something that I did not expect. 32 lbs down and 20 to go.
  • I started off at 240 lbs. I am 48 years old and noticed that it hurt in my hips and my knees every time I got out of my car. When I started working out and got on the diet, I noticed a lot more pain in the early days every time I would work out. It was not muscle pain, but joint pain in my hips and knees again. Weight loss…