Kutuzov earned every plaudit, surely? P L A U D
Kitschy art furnishes kitchens adorably C H A R M
Janissaries owned kilijes (eastern swords) T U R K S
Nero's uncles made Mauretania yield. G A I U S
If this isn’t a reference to Lt. Columbo and his 1959 Peugeot 403 Cabriolet, I’m going to be very disappointed!
Gesticulating rudely always nets negativity A V O I D
Wily Romans imitated the Etruscans. O L I V E
Oceangoing vessels employ radar reflectors B O A T S
Followers of Xiuhtecuhtli enacted sacrifices. A Z T E C
Senescence is literally losing youthfulness A G I N G
Orcas can even attack narwhals. Y I K E S
Gershwin's iconic rhapsody lifts sadness. M U S I C
Peter Abelard pursued extraordinary romance. P E T E R
Necrophiliacs often ogle dead ladies. S O R R Y
Destalinization really impelled Nikita Khrushchev I M P E L
The Hermitage is notably sizeable L A R G E
Professional pianists nail sonatas P I A N O
British aviphiles relish kinglet songs S O N G S
Beef up
Girls rarely entertain egotistical knaves K N A V E
Suetonius wrote early emperor texts R O M A N
Hi everyone! I'm back on the horse and looking for kind and supportive friends. :)