kbmnurse3 Member


  • My advice buy a digital food scale and keep it on your counter. Weigh and measure EVERYTHING. Drink water, water and more water. Meal plan/prep is a must. I use YouTube for my fitness routinesFREE!!!!!!!!!. Start out slow. Try Leslie Sansone walking routines. Good luck. You are a star. :wink:
  • I am also on a budget. I use YouTube for my fitness routines. Leslie Sansone and Grow With Jo are a few of my favorites. Bought some weights and an exercise mat. I work out at home at least 5 days weekly. No cost involved. I work out in the morning. As soon as I get up I put my workout clothes on. Grab a cup of coffee sit…
  • I cook up veggies. Use about 8 eggs/whisk. Add veggies to the bottom of a glass baking dish sprayed with cooking spray. Add eggs/pepper and sprinkle any cheese you have on top. Bake 35 min at 350. Cut into squares and enjoy. Freezes well.
  • Some of my breakfasts include: Toasted English Muffin with a slice of Canadian bacon and an egg on each half. I feel like I am eating Eggs Benedict. Plain Greek Yogurt, 1/2 cup fresh or frozen fruit and 15 GM Kind Healthy Grains, Bagel thin with all natural peanut butter and 1/2 banana.
  • I make a pot of soup at least monthly. Beef barley, Italian Veggie with turkey meatballs or chicken soup. I divide it up into lunch size portions and freeze. Grab and go. Delicious.
  • Hello, new here. Retried RN. Maintaining 22 lb weight loss is a challenge daily. I am constantly prepping food/meals, exercising and drinking water, water and more water. I do try to limit carbs to < 90GM daily as suggested by a nutritionist. Rarely drink alcohol which I do not miss at all. Now I am the DD, LOL.
  • Hello, good luck to all. A few things that have added to my weight loss success. Down 22 lbs since Feb 2021. Food scale on my counter is a MUST. Skinnytaste website for delicious recipes. Weekly I meal plan, shop and prep. Water, water and more water. Logging my exercise in a pretty journal is a MUST. Work out 1hr 15 min…