Skybleupink Member


  • I'm just a couple of weeks into my MFP journey. I love tracking my food and exercise! (I never thought I'd say that.) I have about 30 lbs. to lose and am really excited to have found a process that's working for me. Glad to be here! Looking for positive, inspirational companions on this journey!
  • Welcome! I'm also 5'1" and have about 40 lbs. to lose. I'm one week in and feeling better, already the bloating has gone down! My joint pain is constant and I'm motivated to lose the extra weight that is contributing to my pain. I was referred to an orthopedic surgeon last week for a new hip. I've decided to take this…
  • I'm right there with you! I have 35 lbs. to lose and I'm starting today. Feels overwhelming to say I'm *just* on day one. I am using the Mary's Mini McDougall approach in addition to MyFitnessPal to track my food intake and exercise. I also hope to gain lean muscle. I'm 51 and want to be both strong and fit for the long…