TxDesertFox Member


  • I'm glad you listened to your friend! Years ago, under a different MFP account, I was very socially active on here and had a friend who I thought was going through the same thing. She was getting really attached to this guy and there was something really sketchy about the details he was giving her but she took offense to…
  • I prefer to work from home as I'm very introverted and being around people mentally drained me. I spent 10 years working mostly from home so when COVID happened not much changed for me, except I didn't have to go in for weekly meetings. Now I have to commute daily and I'm always filled with rage during my drive to/from…
  • I've been learning Mandarin on Duolingo so this is sort of some background to understand some of the cultural stuff.
  • Happy St Patrick's Day!
  • I've had anxiety all my life. Social mostly, but didn't get diagnosed until my late 20s. Tried a couple of different medications before I found one that worked for me. Mind you, I tried all the natural routes and for the most part I was able to somewhat manage it until I got my first newspaper job..my anxiety level was…
  • The usual problematic stuff like sexism, racism, homophobic, etc. Vagueness about personal life is a big one.
  • Aww thank you. :)
  • Literate. LOL But seriously though, a guy who enjoys reading, empathetic, and has a dark sense of humor. Physically...smile? Dimples.
  • Eating karate chicken and its offsprings.
  • You want filter? oh, I'll give you filter. 😈 😂 I redownloaded TikTok just to play with this. Only wished I had the makeup skills to do this IRL.
  • OMG yes! Recently, too. Supposedly American, male adult, but something about the way he texted, wording, etc. was off. The messages seemed innocent at first - usual fitness related stuff, than got waaaay out of line.
  • I was there in December to celebrate my birthday. Loved it! Only had time to see the east side, though, so definitely going back.
  • I've had the same issue this past marathon training season. The dizziness I had more on the treadmill, not sure what it is but I hate being on the treadmill. The light headedness and feeling weak for long runs (outside) was more of an issue for me during the summer so I hydrate and fuel more in the summer. I'll take salt…
  • Texas. Kinda lived all over the state but now I'm Dallas.
  • Big Bend area. By far my favorite place in Texas. The stars are big and bright out there. I prefer to camp when I'm out there. I always book private camping sites because I prefer to be as far away from other humans as I possibly can when I'm camping. But if you prefer toilets and a shower there are lots of rentals in the…
  • I'm not a baker but I decided to do something special for the ladies in my dept for Valentine's Day. First attempt at cake pops. Made about 60. Starry photos were from my camping trip to Big Bend National Park in January (I camped outside the park in a nearby town).
  • Those are so cute! And look delicious.
  • First run post marathon. I'm going into off-season workout so right now I'm doing the guns, buns & abs challenge. Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred twice a week and three runs a week. No more than 5 miles (per run) during the week and no more than 10 miles on a weekend. I rotate in kettle bell swings, deadlifts and glute…
  • A croissant. I love carbs. <3
  • Beautiful artwork! I took some art classes in college because I wanted to fashion designer...that's actually why I switched my major, too. lol Other than working out/running...I like to camp, hike, dabble in astrophotography when I can, read and write. I have about 5 novels I've been working on. I get about 14 chapters in…
  • LOL Rungry. I used to log very strictly but I found that I was so focused on staying under that I wasn't consuming enough towards the last half of my training and for my very long runs, that I was getting lethargic and my long runs were just absolutely miserable. I did better with my marathon in November in terms of…