TxDesertFox Member


  • Planning my next road trip.
  • I'll be 42 at the end of this year. :) Started my fitness journey in my early 30s. It's about consistency and adapting, cause girl....as you get older it gets harder because your body kind of does whatever the hell it wants. lol My biggest motivator has been my aunt. She's in her 60s and still does triathlons.
  • I can't say I knew what my BMI was or kept track of it much until later on in life. But my weight did fluctuate throughout. In high school I thought I was chubby, and I grew up in the 90s when those stupid low waisted jeans were in style so I was obsessed with being wafer thin. In my early 20s I actually got to be wafer…
  • I was diagnosed with GA over a decade ago. But I've dealt with anxiety my whole life. The funny part is that I was diagnosed in my late 20s when I had it better managed. lol And honestly, only got diagnosed because of my high stressed job so I spoke with my doctor. We tried a more natural route first, before I went on…
  • Don't know if this is considered venting or crying (not actually crying...on the outside anyway). After almost 8 years I decided to end a relationship about three weeks ago. It was a long time coming. He wasn't a bad guy and the relationship itself wasn't bad, but...we definitely had our issues. I know it was the right…
  • Does the headphones make it difficult to sleep? I'm a side sleeper and I'm thinking about getting one to block out noise (horribly loud neighbors and community in general on top of being sensitive to human made noise). I've tried earplugs but they start to irritate my ears after a time. I run with earbuds, but I can't…
  • Been reading this off and on for the past few months while I work on the second drafts of my novels. Also, day 1 of National Novel Writing Month! ✍️
  • Same. I watched a video of a woman giving birth during a sex ed class and was like...um... that's going to be a hard pass for me. I'll be 41 next month and still no regrets. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Absolutely 0 desire to birth or otherwise raise another human. Animals though, I love. ❤️
  • My people! 🙋‍♀️
  • Beach at Stonehaven, Scotland
  • Halloween 🎃
  • One of my favorite places - Dunnottar Castle. Taken with my Nikon D3500. I think 🤔
  • Being outside in nature. Remembering to take actual rest days. I have a habit of having things planned for every day that I I don't have time to just "be." I do this when I'm on vacation, too. lol I do better when I go camping, though, since I tend to go off-grid and I'm forced to slow down.
  • Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Co. - June 2023 Taken with my phone.
  • Margarita day at the office. But now half of the office is slightly drunk. 🙈
  • It varies for me. Off-season I run about 3 days a week (try to keep my weekly mileage under 25) and try to work in more strength training and mobility exercises because I have a harder time getting all of that in when I'm training for a race (which is when I run 4 days a week. I used to do 5 but with my work…
  • For me if it's less than an hour I'm usually fine with a banana or coffee (but I add collagen powder to mine). An hour to an hour and a half, I'll try to consume more calories - oatmeal + banana, Pop-Tart. If it's longer (2+ hours) my go to is Pop-Tarts and packing something to snack on during my runs, but if you're still…
  • This little guy! I missed him last week when he came by while I was out for my lunch break walk. I work in an office that's 90 percent women so he got a lot of attention this morning. 😂 It's a gray fox by the way.
  • It's never weird to do cruises or resorts by yourself. I prefer to travel alone. I've never done the cruises/resorts personally because I avoid crowded places in general. When I vacation I go off-grid to get as far away from people as I can possibly get. LOL If you enjoy the outdoors you can always try a camping trip or…
  • I'm confused. So are you saying say yes regardless of whether or not you're in a relationship? Seems sketch.
  • From last Saturday's morning run.
  • Thanks. 🙂 I have an android. Nothing fancy like the Samsung Ultra (I heard the camera on that is insane). I used the DeepSkyCamera app and a tripod. I have a Nikon DSLR but for the life of me cannot figure out how to extend the exposure.
  • Taken with my phone and an app.
  • I've seen runners of all sizes where I frequently run. I'm always happy to see people putting in the work whatever their reason may be. But if you're new to running, first I would recommend talking to your primary care doctor, especially if there are any health concerns you may be dealing with. Otherwise, start out slow,…
  • I'm technically not over 40 yet, just 40. lol I haven't really done anything different. My eating habits haven't been as great this past year and half and I've been trying to get that back on track, but in terms of exercise, I'm a runner so I run a lot, but I incorporate cross training and strength training to aid my…
  • I'm working on my own novel, does that count as reading? Current audio book is If We Ever Meet Again by Ana Huang.
  • Same problem, and I'm an endurance runner. I've tried all types of shoes, insoles, socks, lacing, etc. But every race season I end up losing that toenail. What has worked so far are those toe caps (I call them toe condoms).
    in Toes! Comment by TxDesertFox March 2023
  • Running outside is definitely harder than on a treadmill. A treadmill is a controlled environment, and controlled speed. When you're outside, your body is doing all the work, if your legs don't move, you don't move. If you're on a treadmill and you don't move...well, you go flying off. lol But there's also, the temperature…
  • Watching a documentary on the Waco cult.
  • Watching a documentary on Pornhub.