MammySher Member


  • Machka, Thank ypu for that list. I made a copy and will be starting today. Went to the eye doctor today. My vision is getting worse, but I was surprised to find out that I have a scare and the start of a cataract in my left eye, which is causing the problem. If I close my left eye, I can see better. I have vision…
  • Annie, I used Leslie Sansone back in the day, I have a lot of her DVDs, but now I use her videos on YouTube. I use to be able to do her 5-mile workouts, but now I just trying to get through the 30 min workout and only make it to 20 mins. I will work my way back up there. Machka, I love your list of things to do. Are they…
  • Today is day 3 for me. I am trying to get a schedule made up to make this new part of my life fit in. I work full-time as an aircraft engine mechanic and assembler as well as homeschooling my 17-year-old grandson, who is in the 11 grade. In the past, I went from 240 to 150 using the SparkPeople program. Things got hectic,…
  • Hello Ladies. I am new to MFP and was wondering if you all wouldn't mind if I joined you all. I am 63 and am looking for a group of women like this. I looked back at a lot of your posts, and you all seem so kind and encouraging to one another. Mammy from MA, (Mammy is what my grandsons have called me since they were…
  • I did 15 minutes walk on my 9 o'clock break. I think for now I should just start with (2) 15 min. Leslie walks.
  • Tried to do the 30 mins miracle mile but only got to twenty mins. Will try another later today.
  • I started this Plan yesterday. I charged my Fitbit and entered my food for yesterday and today. I found my favorite workout videos, which I will start today. My small change is not to eat a whole package of creakers or other unhealthy snacks. I love the idea of making a daily menu to remind me of what I will be eating.…
  • Okay, Here I go; it's been years since I've done one of these videos. So I will start off slow, with the fast walking in 30 mins|fitness video. My goal is 5 videos a week.
  • Years ago, I wanted to live a better lifestyle. I was at 240 pounds and joined a great community called Spark People. I was down to 150 pounds, and I felt great. Then they closed down. Now I'm up to 185 and feel really old. I want to get back to feeling like I did. Today after spending 2 days laying in bed watching TV, I…
  • Years ago, I wanted to live a better lifestyle. I was at 240 pounds and joined a great community called Spark People. I was down to 150 pounds, and I felt great. Then they closed down. Now I'm up to 185 and feel really old. I want to get back to feeling like I did. Today after spending 2 days laying in bed watching TV, I…