micbea Member


  • Just getting back into it - would love to see others progress and be inspired. I'm up for being added
  • Salsa Chicken Dump a jar of your favorite salsa over frozen chicken breasts and cook on high for about 4 hours. At this point, you can drain the extra liquid and the end result will be the consistently of a chicken salad sandwhich spread or if you keep the liquid, it will be more like a dip. (I drain, but my friend who…
  • I am so glad you asked this! I've been burnt out on my old standbys and looking for something new. I'll have to try some of these out!
  • 1) cheeeeeezzze Itz! Originol - not low fat. 2) A perfectly made cruller. 3) steak and lobster 4) popcorn shrimp
  • Quest bars are always a good choice. Cottage cheese and apples - Although you might want to cut them up so you don't "crunch!" too loud during the meetings. Lol. Ostrim and apple too. Hummus and ORANGE bell pepper is another favorite :)
  • Current BF% 18 SBF% 23 GBF% 16.5-17 In my weight loss journey, I've realized I don't care what weight I am, if it still jiggles and I don't feel strong, I'm not happy. Lol. Toning is key for me, thats why I'm going by body fat %.
  • Hmmmm... I really like the idea of adding celery in there. I am going to have to try that!
  • Right now I'm doing a challenge where we eat only a protein shake and vegetables for dinner everynight, so I am becoming quiet the expert at shakes. Here is my personal favorite at the moment. It's my version of strawberry cheesecake: 1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese 3/4 cup frozen strawberries 2 tblspn light sour cream 1/2 scoop…
  • Tikkamasala - The calories counter is a huge tool! I had no clue how much more I was eating until I started logging it. I couldn't believe my calories were waaaaayy above what I should be eating. I'm actually suprised I didn't gain more.
  • Very good point. I live in Alaska and have always used the winter as an excuse to hibernate. I hate the cold and the only winter "sport" I truely enjoy is sledding ;) Lately for excercise, I've been walking our new puppy and am dreading having to get back in the gym once the snow hits - even though I know (from the past)…