jerps_girl Member


  • I'm finding that I have no appetite and can't find anything to eat that is satisfying. I am also very uncomfortable from the bloating. I'm only on the .50 dosage. I am considering stopping it. I'm discussing with my doctor this week. I don't like how crampy I feel. I'm a bariatric patient and had the sleeve procedure 13…
  • Hi - took my 5th shot last week. Weight is holding steady. No increase in dosage for the second month. Keeping it at .50 for easier transition and hopefully the side effects will be more tolerable as I titrate up in dosage.
  • So, I dropped the ball and didn't log into this app for a week. No food tracking at all. Had a "me" week I suppose. Didn't care about much. I just logged in and updated my food diary for the last three days of what I could remember. I took my 4th dose, refilled my rx, only to delay by 2 days due to script written…
  • Hi - started 3 weeks ago on the .50 dose. Will take the 4th dose of .50 tonight. Next week, I'm suppose to go up in dosage. I Height 5'6" SW 272 CW 268 GW 250 - for now - small goals
  • Hi - started in January. Will take my 4th dose tonight. Slow and steady wins the race I guess. I am on 1250 cals /day. Also a bariatric patient 13 yrs out. Trying to be active - difficult w/ chronic pain from multiple surgeries. I do feel bloated a lot. Some nausea/dizziness occasionally. I notice nausea if I eat something…