ameeters Member


  • I've tried the same with the sugar part. When I first started my weightloss journey, I dropped 20 lbs simply by reducing my sugar intake which was amazing and I was hoping for that to happen again but I haven't seen the shift and I kinda ruined my streak of no sugar this weekend. I hope IF and the sugar reduction works out…
  • I used a few calculators to determine my maintenance and it comes back with an average of 2050 calories so I'm 500 under what I should be eating to maintain. I definitely have had binge days which don't help but I'll look at the weekly average to see if there is a way to make it net 0 over calories, if that makes sense.…
  • That's totally fair and not something I was considering. Thanks!
  • The frustration was real this weekend and I definitely binge ate basically the entire weekend which hasn't happened in several months but it is what it is. I fully plan on getting back on track today but it's just frustrating to see the scale not move in the direction that I'm looking for after cleaning up my eating, but I…
  • I would like to believe it's pretty accurate. I usually meal prep and I'll measure everything before it goes into the container. I have been eating ready for you the last few days and will likely be doing the same this week as I'm part of a wedding at the end of the week so time is a bit limited. Also, if I eat ready made…
  • I'm always looking for new friends to keep me accountable + motivated!
  • I stopped checking me weight in October and started checking again in January. In that time frame, I saw a 10 lbs increase (likely most from December as that was where my mental health was it's lowest). I have been hovering between 160 - 164 since the start of the new year.