reshii_devi Member

It's Flex Friddayyy! Fitfam!!! 💕 Back at it a week and super proud of myself. Amazingly, have lost weight and fat everyday since restarting on the 12th at 202.6 | BF: 38.4% | BMI: 30.1. One week later ...


  • Round 267: IF 19/5, 50-80g net carbs, swim 4x, ST 4x, Stretch twice daily 7/25 - 196.0 (IF 18 hrs, 65g net carbs, 6 mini workouts: 8114 steps) 7/26 - 195.4 (8108 steps, 1K🔥DAY, 🏊🏾‍♀️ w/ weights, HIIT, 80g carbs, IF 20 hrs) 7/27 - DNW (fat flush focused weekend) - 80% - (10,368 steps) 7/28 - DNW (fat flush focused weekend)…
  • I feel the parent pain Donna! kids can be perfect in 1000 ways and still be clueless sometimes! They're all very comfortable taking us for granted. My son included!! I think most parents have felt the same. I'll give them a pass once or twice, but if I get to 3? Houston we have a problem. That means you're not listening,…
  • Hi I'm Reshii ~ 58, 5'9" ~ HW: 280 | GW: 170 Round 267: IF 19/5, 50-80g net carbs, swim 4x, ST 4x, Stretch twice daily 7/25 - 196.0 (IF 18 hrs, 65g net carbs, 6 mini workouts: 8114 steps) 7/26 - 195.4 (8108 steps, 1K🔥DAY, 🏊🏾‍♀️ w/ weights, HIIT, 80g carbs, IF 20 hrs) 7/27 - DNW (fat flush focused weekend) 7/28 - DNW (fat…
  • Hi I'm Reshii ~ 58, 5'9" ~ HW: 280 | GW: 170 Round 267: IF 19/5, 50-80g net carbs, swim 4x, ST 4x, Stretch twice daily 7/25 - 196.0 (IF 18 hrs, 65g net carbs, 6 mini workouts: 8114 steps) 7/26 - 195.4 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/1 8/2 8/3 Every weekend has been a "weak ending" these past few weeks, so going to do my best…
  • so glad you enjoyed it @musicsax @judefit ~ its a nice quickie to keep in rotation! love that idea @Skyleen75 ~ definitely giving it some thought
  • Round 267: EAT MORE ~ IF 16/8, 50-80g net carbs, swim 4x, ST 4x, Stretch twice daily 7/25 196.0 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/1 8/2 8/3 Started this DAILY HIIT + ST workout today I'll probably do for a few weeks. Let me know if you try it! My Journey (includes pics)
  • Round 266: Getting back in the groove with IF 20/4, fewer carbs and more water. 7/12 202.6 7/13 200.8 7/14 DNW 7/15 199.5 (Day 1: 21 Day Fasting Challenge) 7/16 198.0 7/17 197.3 7/18 196.4 7/19 195.3 🫢🫢🫢 I almost can't believe this ... 7/20 196.6 boooooooo 7/21 DNW (I knew a little wine, a little this and too much of a…
  • cheers to a new decade @UTMom81 !! @jspecies11 sometimes the body just needs a break ~ you're on your game 90-95% of the time so no guilt!! still winning :smiley: LOL @Skyleen75 ~ boat cocktails sounds like my kinda fun in the sun! <3 summer
  • Round 266: Getting back in the groove with IF 20/4, fewer carbs and more water. 7/12 202.6 7/13 200.8 7/14 DNW 7/15 199.5 (Day 1: 21 Day Fasting Challenge) 7/16 198.0 7/17 197.3 7/18 196.4 7/19 195.3 🫢🫢🫢 I almost can't believe this ... 7/20 196.6 boooooooo 7/21 DNW (I knew a little wine, a little this and too much of a…
  • @musicsax glad you're feeling better! @deepwoodslady @Jensmakingprogress daily-harvest is another good delivery service! They can be a little pricey but worth every penny. I use them off and on a few times a year. Love the smoothies. @itladyee It's been a minute, lol ~ are you packing or unpacking? I went too hard a few…
  • @quiltingjaine the music and dance moves make the workout so much fun! Plus being in the water makes all the jumping up and down much easier ~ love it! @musicsax Sherwood Forest sounds magical ~ but with so much happening emotionally the snacking and struggle is definitely relatable! Maybe a walk connecting with nature…
  • Round 266: Getting back in the groove with IF 20/4, fewer carbs and more water. 7/12 202.6 7/13 200.8 7/14 DNW 7/15 199.5 (Day 1: 21 Day Fasting Challenge) 7/16 198.0 7/17 197.3 7/18 196.4 7/19 195.3 🫢🫢🫢 I almost can't believe this ... 7/20 196.6 boooooooo 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 Not sure if its natural slowdown, too many…
  • Round 266: Getting back in the groove with IF 20/4, fewer carbs and more water. 7/12 202.6 7/13 200.8 7/14 DNW 7/15 199.5 (Day 1: 21 Day Fasting Challenge) 7/16 198.0 7/17 197.3 7/18 196.4 7/19 195.3 🫢🫢🫢 I almost can't believe this ... 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 15,669 steps | and 979 cals burned yesterday from 5K hike in…
  • WOWzers @AR10at50 ~ that fish is as tall as you, lol ~ friggin awesome friend!!! but that's a whole 'nuther world for this city girl :smiley: @Chapter_3 my NSV would be steadily increasing steps and movement this week, as I've been averaging less than 5K for a month. Needed the motivation of checking back in every day!…
  • Round 266: Getting back in the groove with IF 19/5, fewer carbs and more water. 7/12 202.6 7/13 200.8 7/14 DNW 7/15 199.5 (Day 1: 21 Day Fasting Challenge) 7/16 198.0 7/17 197.3 7/18 196.4 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 Super motivated as I haven't seen my weight drop daily since March. What's so exciting is its all fat!!!…
  • Round 266: Getting back in the groove with IF 19/5, fewer carbs and more water. 7/12 202.6 7/13 200.8 7/14 DNW 7/15 199.5 (Day 1: 21 Day Fasting Challenge) 7/16 198.0 7/17 197.3 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 Even though my weight is dropping, I can definitely still feel and see it in my waist! With triple digit…
  • Round 266: Getting back in the groove. 7/12 202.6 7/13 200.8 7/14 DNW 7/15 199.5 (Day 1: 21 Day Fasting Challenge) 7/16 198.0 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 No exercise yet today, but this is actually my 4th day fasting and seeing a drop. Just goes to show how bad my sleep and diet had gotten before restarting on…
  • Trying to do everything at once can definitely be overwhelming. My suggestion is to keep it simple. Pick a few meals you like, are easy to prepare and repeat until bored. Feeling a bit more adventurous? Pick 7-10 healthy ingredients you enjoy and mix and match all your meals around ... again until bored. Meal and snack…
  • thanks so much @tiabirdie56 @Skyleen75!! and @judefit1 ~ feels great to be back! so thankful @quiltingjaine for keeping a safe space to return to. awesome NSV @Chapter_3 ~ cheers to all that new muscle baby! go you lean healthy machine <3
  • Hi everyone!! I've been MIA since round 262. Hope you're all doing well since I was here last. I started new hours in June (its called graveyard shift for a reason!) and OMggggg these past few weeks have been a horrible adjustment. Plus with all the changes to MFP, I checked out a few other platforms, but not liking them…
  • WOWzers @Skyleen75 ~ I'm so inspired by your post today ~ you ladies rock!
  • @LadySicburn ~ kudos for jumping in anyway! totally shocking initially, but you start to enjoy it after a few, lol ~ these are warm waters here, so welcome. :smile: Seeing your post after being gone awhile reminded me of why I always came back. Hope you do well here. My #1 suggestion is don't get hung up on the numbers!…
  • Thats a lot to process @_JeffreyD_ 🙏🏽 my sincere condolences. Sharing this Mother Theresa quote in hope it offers a small bit of comfort. "Death is nothing else but going home to God. The bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity."
  • Round 262: More strength, stretching, water and protein ~ less cardio, carbs and stress. Mantra for the Month: I feed my spirit, I train my body, I focus my mind. This is my time. 6/5 - 196.8 6/6 - 195.1 6/7 - 195.3 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/14 Transformation Journey (includes pics)
  • Round 262: More strength, stretching, water and protein ~ less cardio, carbs and stress. Mantra for the Month: I feed my spirit, I train my body, I focus my mind. This is my time. 6/5 196.8 6/6 195.1 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/14 Got plenty of water, hiked with 3lb weights yesterday and kept calories under 1200.…
  • Because most cultures share experiences through food, there's no escaping the temptation. I equate it with giving up smoking. When I first quit, I couldn't be around other smokers without being triggered. So I stopped hanging out with my besties for months! When my new habits were firmly in place I resumed partying again ~…
  • so true @Skyleen75 ~ I was able to sweat out some of my frustration hiking the hills with 3lb hand weights yesterday. Liking it a lot! Fighting myself to keep chocolate out the mix though ... @ least for another week, lol :) Hoping stretching and using weights more gets me out my CZ. Let's keep each other encouraged! 👊🏽…
  • Round 262: More strength, stretching, water and protein ~ less cardio, carbs and stress. Mantra for the Month: I feed my spirit, I train my body, I focus my mind. This is my time. 6/5 196.8 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/14 Stuck at a plateau since April, it seems as if once I reached onederland I began to lose…
  • Hey teamies ~ apologies for being more MIA then usual. This new schedule has me completely outta wack (I don't handle change as well as I did in my youth!) These new hours are exhausting. I'm so behind in everything, catching up feels quite overwhelming. Haven't been able to swim or gotten nearly enough movement, but NO…
  • @judefit1 @Chapter_3 <3 thanks ladies! nice self-control on vacation @Sweetzyd ~ @itladyee cheers to getting back on track every moment counts @judefit1 ~ as sad as it is, its also a blessing you have time to spend sharing how much you love him. It's a memory he'll take with him, and one you'll have to lean on in the…