angelxbunny Member


  • I always look at the roots of the body positivity movements in times like these. Starting in the 60s by the NAAFA, the original purpose was fat acceptance. Seeing fatness as a neutral thing, and bringing down social stigmas around it. Things like access to unbiased medical care and work opportunities and ending fatphobia!…
  • Any kind of restrictive diet like that is a big squick for me. No shame to those it works for, but it teeters a bit too close to dangerous habits for me personally.
  • Honestly, I think it depends on how you cook it too. No kid is going to like unseasoned, overcooked peas for example. But seasoned with some firmness still? May have different results! Now I'm a incredibly picky eater. It's mainly sensory issues and not wanting to leave my food comfort zone. My parents fed me fruits and…
  • Warning, this gets rambly. In my eyes, health is very personalized. It looks different for and on everyone, and there is no one size fits all (pun not intended, but approved.) In my mind, eating healthy is about meeting your bodies nutrient needs. Fueling your body with what it needs to stay healthy is always good.…