DJill68 Member


  • @19shmoo69 that pie looks divine! @vegan4lyfe2012 such adorable baby pics! @trooworld I’m sorry you are so sick! Is it the Rona? Sending prayers your way! Just got home from Taking FIL to doctor, he is doing a little better. Had an Ok Mothers Day, but missing my kids and grandkids. ( My family all lives in FL) I was a…
  • @micaroo4 I’ll pass on round two. I think I am gonna cut back to just walking Mon., Wed., & Fri. and try some other exercises on the other days.
  • Just a quick check in, mainly for accountability. Went to the gym last night. 15 mins on treadmill, 10 mins on bike. FIL was waiting in the car so didn’t want to stay too long.
  • DJill68 Weigh in day: Friday PW: 228.2 CW: 228.2 0
  • @trooworld thanks for the basil lesson. I like sweet basil. I’ve been known to pick a leaf and eat it, lol. I would say it’s my favorite herb I grow. However, cilantro is disgusting to me. I am one of those people who gets a soap taste from it.🤷‍♀️ I have never heard of hearts of palm pasta. Now I have to look it up!…
  • Happy Thursday Team! Sounds like we have a lot of members under the weather. Praying today is better for everyone! Thank you everyone for your encouraging comments. I went to the state park yesterday (a mile from my house). I was hoping to get more steps in but ended up with a migraine. Suppose to get storms here today. I…
  • Good morning Team! Happy Hump Day! @Katmary71 Glad your BF is getting some help. I’m stressed for you. Not knowing what is going on is the worst. I was told once I am an awfulizer, lol. I tend to think the worst until proven otherwise. It’s something I am working to improve. @sleepygirl79 hang in there! Pleasing kids at…
  • @laurelfit57 - OMG Vannie is beautiful! I am a retired pet groomer and take it from someone who knows, you have an awesome groomer! Happy your mom is doing so good at 94. It is rare these days! Congrats on your 1.5 lb loss. @micaroo4 - sorry to hear you have sleep issues too. I will never take a good nights sleep for…
  • Happy Monday Team! I can’t believe it’s Monday again already! We had intense storms last night. I’m kinda scared to go look at the garden. According to my Apple Watch, I got 6 hrs 34 min of sleep last night. That is the most I’ve had in the last several months. Night before was only 3 hrs! Sleep hates me! My sleep is so…
  • Good Sunday Morning! Make it a great day! Spent most of the day mowing yesterday, but what used to be a hayfield is looking pretty good now. I was too tired to make it to the Gym ( to sign up ), so gonna go today. I wish I wasn’t so nervous about it. I did get some new sneakers so maybe my step count will improve.
  • I’m having too much fun coming up with walking team names! :D :D :D Sole Sisters Blister Sisters Dynamic Duo Pace Makers Steady & Sweaty Pavement Pacers Bunion Brothers the Walking Tread Steamy Nuts & Butts :D
  • @micaroo4 - Awesome! You may not want to be my partner though. I’m lucky to get 4000 a day and that’s with walking the track at our community center. Hip issues.
  • Looking for a walking partner for next weeks challenge. Any takers?
  • Happy Saturday Team! Love all the gardening pics! Something about growing my own food, fulfills me and I love to see what others are growing. It’s definitely a labor of love! So far we have planted: tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, green beans, cabbage, lettuce, garlic chives, herbs, jalapeños, and potatoes. The cold…
  • DJill68 Weigh in day: Friday ( changed from Sunday @broncobuddee ) PW: 230 CW: 228.2 -1.8
  • Wow! Very sweet comments from this group! I will learn how to make a post and tag people in it hopefully. Had a good day so far. Even took a well deserved nap! Gonna go make dinner and then go walk the track at our community center. Thanks everyone for your kind words!
  • Nightly check in. I just need an outlet so I apologize if I sound like a Debbie Downer. We found out yesterday that my very healthy 94 yr old FIL has prostate cancer. He permanently has a catheter now and well…ahhhh, I hate to complain, but catheter care is zero fun! He doesn’t want to leave the house much because of it.…
  • Todays pics of things that make me happy. Learned to quilt during the pandemic. I don’t know how sewing a few masks for my nursing daughters ( back when they were short supplied) turned in to this, but I’m glad it did! My sewing room is now my happy place! My mom would be so proud.
  • DJill68 Weigh in Day: Sunday ( would like to change to Fridays if I can) First weigh in 230.0 the view from my back porch.
  • Good morning team! My name is Donna and I’m 54 years old. I am a mother, grandmother, author, quilter and full time caregiver for my 94 yr of father in law. I live in the beautiful mountains of North Georgia on 44 acres. We have 3 gardens and I do a lot of home food preservation. When I became the caregiver for my elderly…
  • This is a test to see if I’m posting in the right spot
  • There is a setting somewhere to choose whether to add your burned calories to your total, or not. It might be under the goals section.
  • I can’t relate to shoulder but I had/ have bilateral labrum tears in my hips. I had surgery on one hip and months of PT. It was a rough recovery and 2 years later, I would say the pain is about only slightly less than before surgery. I’m not completely sure it’s not torn again. I have no idea how either tears happened. I…
  • I’m starting my 4th week and I’m down 7 lbs.
  • Hi kt. I’m new here but trying to make acquaintances for giving and receiving support. I am 233 lbs as of this morning. Lost 6 lbs since Monday. I’m sure the plateaus will come. Congratulations on loosing 25 lbs! (What kind of Dog? My granddaughters name is Addie Grace) ;)
    in Hello! Comment by DJill68 April 2023
  • Hi Carol, how did your walk go? I just started MFP and Keto diet this week. I was 239 on Monday and this morning I am surprisingly 233! I have been a couch potato, but trying to walk some everyday. In just 4 days the walking is getting easier! Bad hips are my struggle. Maybe we can motivate each other. I am not a diabetic…
  • New here and just started on 4/3. Still learning how this app works. I have 70lbs to loose and some medic al issues. Wish me luck!