Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MAY 2023



  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 827 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 congratulations on your beautiful new granddaughter! Watching my parents become incredible grandparents has been such a joy for me and the bond they have with my children is the greatest gift. Enjoy every moment of this new role!

    @Katmary71 hey that’s great news about the FMT pill! In Canada everything seems to be slower so I’m not sure when that might be an option here. I already had a neighbour offer to donate some poop lol! The transplant would have been the next step in treatment if I had failed my third round. Although I absolutely believe my gut is wrecked. I’ve read it takes up to 3 years to repopulate but it doesn’t surprise me that it can take a lifetime. I took it for granted my whole life. I’m just flooding myself with probiotics, avoiding triggers - dairy and alcohol - and hoping for the best every day.

    Great news - 6.5 km yesterday and 10k today.
    Have a great Wednesday!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,081 Member
    @Jactop ONEDERLAND!!! Woo hoo! Congratulations!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,081 Member
    @Mariamamjad Congrats on the loss!

    @DJill68 Wow, what great work! Those are very detailed quilts. Thanks for sharing! I'm sorry about the news about your FIL. He sounds like a very active guy, that's too bad this is making him not want to leave the house. Good job sticking with your healthy plan. Awww, what a sweet pic! Hugs!

    @txcritter69 Great pics, what a nice family! Thanks for sharing.

    @tfelts147 Great job with your tracking and steps! I hate car buying, I'd rather go to the dentist lol. Ooh a convertible, that sounds fun!

    @shaunarlr83 Yay for trying something new! I love the pics, the food looks yummy.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Hahahaha and thanks! I loved the book "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret". Please let me know how the movie is! Did you make a plan for your mindless eating?

    @FushiaKat Thank you!

    @19shmoo69 I love it!

    @Katmary71 Yes! Great no zeros, as usual! Your kitties are so beautiful. How are you feeling?

    @gjaholy33 You are having a fantastic week!

    I'm doing okay but gotta get to work. Have a great day!

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: Drank the minimum amount of water (50 oz), tracked my meals.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • DJill68
    DJill68 Posts: 63 Member
    Wow! Very sweet comments from this group! I will learn how to make a post and tag people in it hopefully. Had a good day so far. Even took a well deserved nap! Gonna go make dinner and then go walk the track at our community center. Thanks everyone for your kind words!
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 827 Member
    May 3 checkin

    Cycled 10km
    Attended a seminar on gut health (the school board put it on for free for caregivers, I considered it lucky timing)
    Ate a buttload of chocolate eggs.

    I guess I’d consider that two steps forward, one step back. Let’s go for only forward tomorrow.

    Have a good night, everyone!
  • tfelts147
    tfelts147 Posts: 45 Member
    @txcritter69 Nice Camaro!! Ours is a mustang and Ohio has been teasing us with a couple nice days every now and then... but still to chilly!!
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 232 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »

    With all these pix of pets I thought I would share a pic of my pet. We call him Java.

    I wish there was a laugh button cause I could not move on with out a 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 on the floor.
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