Sissylynn1979 Member


  • I had someone else message me about having the same sort of numbers/timeline also! Maybe we're triplets, separated at brunch, lol. But seriously... I think there's something *to* the timeline thing. Someone mentioned the season change in one of the comments on this thread, and I think that might have a LOT to do with it,…
  • I made a bigger, fairly different but similar recipe based on this and it turned out amazing! Posted it here: I liked it a lot and wanted to say thanks!
  • I'm glad other people are getting help from this too! And I always had a lot of loss with "changing it up" Be careful, though, starvation-mode is kind of a myth... or rather, it's a term people have taken entirely out of context! Definitely going to try the meditation thing, though! Thanks for the reply, and Best luck on…
  • I will! Honestly not sure if it should be this post or a new one... probably I will do a new one once I get in a routine so people don't end up replying to the original question like 4 months from now LOL
  • Oh I know! Absolutely taking it from a positive place :heart: I'm going to get there, just... trying to avoid making the same mistakes again, so I'm trying to logic it out, lol. Thank you again. I think I've got a plan fairly well figured out for the moment. Ya'll have been amazing!!
  • That makes sense. I didn't think about people neglecting to enter the exercise!
  • Yeah, the 1900 kcal/day is like... my maintenance at ~260lbs. I've done it many times for a couple months or so to check. I'm fairly immobile most of the time (disabilities) and short, so it's not unusual in itself, it's just that the numbers get screwy when I *do* go under that... those weights from last year are at 1500…
  • Okay so... This is all same eating style (from last year, also it's messy, sorry) If I ignore the 1st week, and it's 264.8 to 241.9 or in 7 weeks, 3.3 lbs. If I ignore the almost 2 weeks in April, it's 259.2 lbs May 1st, to 247.6 on June 1st, to 241.9 on the 12th. That's 17.3 lbs in 6 weeks, so... oh it's ~2.9 lbs per week…
  • I'm... working on that, lol. I tend to be pretty impatient with myself with *most* things, so maybe there is some of that impatience creeping in... I hadn't thought so, but if it's showing in my posts, maybe I am. Need to work on that, I suppose. Yeah. So... I ate over 5000 kcals on April 1st. I was 280 lbs that morning.…
  • Yeah, lol I guess they ARE young habits. I guess I keep thinking about it in terms of how many *years* I've been doing this, and forget to account for the fact that it's only ever a few months of habit forming!! 75 lbs over 3 years drives me crazy thinking about it because I keep going "I could do that in less than 1!!"…
  • Okayyy... and I stand by what *I* said. This OP wants to see something in their "Goals". What I said is the *only* option to show that in their "Goals". Not sure why you want to debate what it *does*, as that has nothing to do with the topic of this post.
  • That's... really a matter of opinion. A lot of people are helped by tracking their exercise, and it *does* affect the calories if you set it up to do so. There's no "build muscle" goal that's going to appear under that tab. If OP wants a way to track muscle-building activity in the app, how else would they do that? They…
  • Here's the thing... and this doesn't only apply to weight loss/food choices: If you defend yourself, then you are engaging in the battle. If you explain yourself, you are engaging in the discussion. When you respond to people who are in your business, you're validating them. You're implying that they have a *right* to be…
  • Hi! I've been here before on an old account, I think... couple of people look familiar... I'm Sissylynn, I'm 43 years old, 5'1", disabled, mama to a 14 year old... and I weighed in April 1st at exactly 280 lbs. Today I weighed in at 266, but that is ALL water weight from actually paying attention to what I eat because I'm…
  • Well... You likely DID set muscle-building as a goal. But the app can't track that specifically! However, if you go here: (sorry I haven't been on the app since changes were made) you can set your goals specifically for: -Calories per week you want to burn -Workouts per…
  • Hi! Posting here out of concern... I do *not* want to sound like I'm discouraging you, because it's *amazing* that you're trying to get healthier. But obstetricians and pediatricians recommend not actively trying to lose weight until at least 2 months postpartum. There's a couple reasons, and nursing is one of them...…
  • KISS is what I usually recommend to others, so maybe that's part of my issue too, lol. I think I will try to avoid those things this time. It just gets to be... a lot. I've quit smoking before, but it was because I found out I was pregnant... didn't start again till my kid was in school.... wish I hadn't. It's a LOT harder…
  • Yeah... I tend to BE super motivated starting out, and then quickly institute new "habits". And 3+ months in, I start to tell myself the habits are set, and I don't need to be on top of it all the time... and then, well: Sort of both? I will quite literally talk myself (and everyone else!) into the idea of me "taking a…
  • Hmm... no, there's no one tearing me down except me, lol. Although I think I probably have been kicking myself more than I should. I think everyone here has said a lot of the same thing about like... slowing down. I have been going to extremes, I think. Or, well, not extreme as in unhealthy, but like... probably way more…
  • Lol and then I immediately stop replying for a bit (went to get fresh air, don't worry!) I know I need to stop stopping... I swear, I say that every time! And then a few months later I ... stop. Need a break or something idk, lol. Oh wow probably!! I live north of ...almost everywhere, tbh. It's sub-zero for like 4-5months…
  • Lol! Stop looking in my closet :grimace: I *have* been keeping old clothes even when I get smaller ones. Omg, what if that's the whole issue?! (kidding ofc, but you're probably right about getting rid of them!)
  • I mean... when you put it like that, it sounds pretty silly, lol. :tongue: Going to go out and get some air, and clear my head. I think I just realized I'd already *lost* more than I need to lose and still not any closer to goal, and it was just... disheartening? IDK. Thank you for the encouragement. I'mma figure this out…
  • Lol yeah, I always seem to start around the start of spring. Weird, huh? Maybe the higher calorie goal is the way to go... I can lose fairly rapidly at 1500, but 1800 would still let me lose weight for about 50 lbs, lol. Might just be starting out too strict... and then there's nowhere to go from there? Ugh, I should have…
  • Yeah, I know you're right. I tell people all the time it's a lifestyle change, and that means for a lifetime. I just... can't seem to stick to it. I was in therapy for a long time, but it's not covered anymore, so I had to stop. Maybe that's the difference in how I feel starting out this time? Probably need to figure…