Itadakimasu7 Member


  • @jugar -- wow, I really want to try to grow some greens now. That's awesome thanks for sharing that! I'm going to try to find some seeds and give it a go. I have a grow light but haven't done much with it this year. Anyone know anything about fixing fingernails? Mine are grooved, pitted, peeling, and brittle....they had…
  • Tuesday Weigh In Itadakimasu7 PW: 188 CW: 187.4 I saw a vet online yesterday say that Easter Lily plants, and plants in the Lily family - all of them, are very, very toxic to cats. Even licking the pollen off their fur from brushing up against one can be enough to shut down their kidneys. He's a vet so I guess he should…
  • Today we had pretty nice weather, started out cold and foggy. I live by a river and the boats were sounding their horns in the fog. Only two kitties showed up for Yoga! Because the grass was wet my yoga mat now has dirty paw prints on it. I have another nicer mat for indoors! :D Today I went to Home Depot with my son and…
  • Day 96 of chest cold. Ugh. Okay, not really -- but it *feels* like day 96! Today the weather turned warm so I was out early for backyard yoga and mediation with the cats. My tortie girl "Wookie Bear" always tries to eat the mat. In the afternoon I walked over to the Fort and took some photos of areas I thought you guys…
  • @JenHul -- Sounds like a pinched nerve or something, ouch. Yoga with Adriene has a lot of back focused stretch videos. Also on Youtube I enjoy videos from HasFit and one of my favorites because he's funny and keeps me company, Sean Vigue. I hope it's better soon - back problems are no fun. I have a few issues with mine for…
  • Can I be excused from this weeks weigh in? I forgot to weigh in!
  • @jessicakrall8 ((hugs)) Know that: YOU ROCK. :+1:
  • @frankbrown -- Hey if it's not too much trouble, if you know the name of the volunteer program teaching conversational English abroad is something I've really been wanting to do, as well as short term volunteering in orphanages in Japan. I have a background as a teacher (grade 11+ US) but have been learning Japanese for a…
  • @FWSWCindy -- Messi! My favorite soccer player :D :+1:
  • @frankbrown -- That's how they make pancakes in Japan too! :D They call them souffle pancakes I think. But they're light and fluffy and kinda jiggle and are really cool. I went for a bike ride today and it was really nice. Not many people out. A few kids trying to learn to ride bikes on the trail and a dog or two is all.…
  • Recommended reading: The Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth About Food and Flavor, by Mark Schatzker Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It, by Gary Taubes (note: although I don't agree with his conclusions he does a very nice bit of research in the beginning about black swans, where some people in virtual starvation…
  • @SavageMrsMoose -- I did support team and just hung in and read the posts (when I could - sometimes there are a lot!) I love this group and the people and enjoy your posts so hope you'll be around. :star: :+1:
  • Super Oregon coastal forest moss! Rar! :+1: :star: It's been really cold but it was clear today so I was on my bicycle. I started collecting used (really cool) bike jersey's off of eBay. I have some neat ones. I just put a technical warm layer underneath.
  • Itadakimasu7 Weigh in Tuesday March 5 PW: 188 CW: 188 :+1:
  • :star: THE PLAN :star: intense music :star: 2 workouts of 1 - 45 minutes each. Probably some chair exercise, stationary bike, yoga and gentle movement work. I'll try to do the full 90 minutes, but really if I get any exercise it's a win. :+1: :star: Diet, I'm allergic and sensitive to a lot of foods and my digestion is…
  • Greetings! :+1: I'm Park, I live on the north Oregon coast but I'm from Oklahoma and then worked in the Ozarks before arriving here. I'm (slowly) learning Japanese (Itadakimasu user name translates to something like 'thanks for the food') :D I'm 49. I like snacks too much. I also love my bicycle, books (usually non-fiction…
  • On the step challenge, does a person have to post in steps daily or can you post in once a week with a day by day total? I want to do it, but I'm really prone to fatigue and illness and am concerned I might be late reporting (I'm a little OCD about getting things done on time...I have a thing about
  • @tatilove1988 -- I have so much water retention, I haven't figured it out yet, I think maybe hormones for me? idk...if you find a sure answer to conquer it, let me know! :D @Pupowl -- My cheat days have informed me that chocolate gives me really bad headaches. Doh. It turns out it's a really common cause of headaches and…
  • @PatriceFitnessPal -- The lighthouse is across the river from me, so a little drive but not too far :D :+1: It's called Northhead and they have whale watchers there at the moment as the coast hosts a grey whale migration. Good weather again today so I was out on my bike for six miles on the local trail. It was a bit chilly…
  • Is anyone else allergic to Stevia? Seems a lot of companies are trying to swap out xylitol or sucrolose. Now I boast a face rash and am wheezing - didn't catch the label change. Doh. Benedryl is in my future :'( Today the weather was perfect and we went to the beach. I went to the bakery and had a decaf and a couple of…
  • @LaurieWrobo - Hope the tooth ordeal works out smoothly, I'm wincing over here!
  • I have anemia and my blood pressure got wonky. I have had to quit coffee. :( *sad* A photo for you from my favorite coffee shop on the coast... Speaking of the 60's music scene of LA and Laurel Canyon, great book -- "Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart Of The Hippie Dream" -- it's…
  • @Cyncia85 - To avoid counterfeits, always read the comment section :D :+1: Usually people will be complaining about fakes. I've had to avoid salt recently (hypertension) and found that cutting down on it was a really good appetite suppressant. I had never read that, or heard about it -- maybe it's just that my heart and…
  • @Cyncia85 -- I've had trouble with counterfeit shoes and counterfeit protein powders off of Amazon. Happy Valentines day everyone! It's a good day to have a good day. My daughters photo of the sunset the other night. Pacific Ocean.
  • @izzyred9400 -- What's the building you posted? It's quite remarkable, it appears to have no road to it, no parking lot, no trees or shrubs and the grass grows right up to the edge. It looks like it grew there one day on its own accord :D @Pupowl -- wish I was good at keeping my space less cluttered! I have put on my…
  • I'm on the sweet-savory-loop a lot lately. I think eating salty foods potentially is making me crave sweets. I notice that on days I fast, go without eating, that I don't have any sugar cravings - so probably not a physical addiction, yet I can't seem to stop. Anyone beat the sweets monster? or figure out the trigger on…
  • Happy Birthday a bit late @jessicakrall8 ! Hey guys I said I was going to return in February, I'm putting it off indefinitely. I have a lot going on. From my bicycle ride today!
  • For February I will be returning great staff of Shape Shifters :D I'm not sure which day we're beginning on, but my weigh in will be the typical Tuesday. Thanks!
  • @Cyncia85 -- Gym class in '93 comprised of 'Sweatin' to the Oldies!' :-P Haha, it would wipe me out! A great workout and a lot of fun. Sunday Funday -- I'm having coffee but about to get started. Here are a few photos from my bicycle ride the other day. It's been raining everyday but sometimes we get little pauses in the…
  • I know it will sound bonkers but I lose control of my blood pressure if I skip eating apples. When I had to go to the emergency clinic because my BP was sky high, they asked me what had happened, how it had gone up so much thinking maybe I had a life event. I kept telling them, "I didn't eat apples this week, I ran out of…