kerrid777 Member


  • Hello! I know it's mid month, but when I was looking around on MFP to help me focus on losing weight I found this group. I realized that it might just be what I need to truly make some permanent changes in my overall health and life. I'm going to focus on incorporating 15 minutes of yoga each morning. I did that in the…
  • Hello! My name is Kerri and I am a yo-yo dieter as well as dealing with menopause and all the things that come with that. I'm hoping this group can assist me in building new habits that will change my yo-yo dieting into consistent exercise habits and healthy eating. I'm not great in maneuvering on the MFP site so if I post…
  • I hope everyone is doing well! My clothes are fitting a little looser than they did on 4/17. I haven't been great about logging my exercise or food last week as I think I was still exhausted from the kitchen painting project. I was able to stay a little on track this past weekend, but it was really rough. When my clothes…
  • I spent last week focused on a home project and dealing with a major work issue instead of diet/exercise. When my husband fishes I usually take that time to complete a home project without his Debbie Downer attitude and since he was gone a whole week I tackled painting 90% of the kitchen including the cabinets. As soon as…
  • I'm not sure how to respond in your post felinasbeads :) I'm thinking the sleepless nights were from my body still adjusting to my intake of water as well as drinking caffeine at the ballpark (instead of beer) probably are the contributing factors to the numerous bathroom trips causing the interrupted sleep. I do take…
  • Day 3 evening went ok which is a win for me...I woke up several times during the night and I ate grapes and in the past I would have had cookies so I'll call that a win as well. Today I'm exhausted from 2 nights in a row not sleeping well so I started out the morning with diet soda (not a coffee drinker) instead of water.…
  • My day two also got derailed some...I was offered free baseball tickets and who can go to the ballpark and not have fattening food??? I didn't drink any beer so that was my "diet" choice that I felt good about. I did my 15 minutes of yoga yesterday morning and this morning. So far today I'm back on track which day 3 is the…
  • Good morning! It's great to see more people join the group! I enjoyed reading everyone's story and it's nice to feel like I'm not alone in this struggle. I made it one day...woohoo! Today I want to focus on the same things including drinking 8/10 glasses of water. I'm already on my second one which is HUGE for me as I…
  • Hello! I'm an empty nester so "me" time is in abundance compared to the years of focusing on raising some awesome daughters. In the past I was so stressed from work, and trying to keep up with everything at home that I hit my snooze numerous times and would never get up until the very last minute. However, now that I'm…
  • Hello! I too have set today as my get back on the right track with my diet and exercise. Plus we have a vacation coming up in June and I want to be able to enjoy biking, kayaking, and swimming. I too have never been the "skinny" kid, and in a family that put a great significance on looks/weight it created some issues with…