martiparolin Member


  • Good on you! You have really done a positive thing commiting to this MFP! Praying you keep in track. Your kids will be a great motivator. Use them to really help you in your workouts. All the very best in your journey. I am in your boat, except I am 60+, - long time carrying the equivalent of 1 1/2 extra 'people' around…
  • I am unable to link my Fitbit to MFP. I do see where to go it etc but it has a box I can't untick. So am getting frustrated. Any ideas or has this happened to others,? I do have my Bluetooth, location and wifi on plus Fitbit app is logged in and I have my Fitbit on my wrist at the time.
  • Try more upper body workout also using hand weights and resistance bands as well as seated leg lifts and abdominal core workouts. Videos and tips by exercise physiologist and physiotherapist Mike Kutcher in Better Health are brilliant: one example - he has heaps standing and sitting and combined plus is also on FB…